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Hyo Jin observing Yejin. She notice that Yejin seems so distracted that day. 

Yejin accidentally bump her coffee while looking for some files. "Aishh..." She said and her hand got burn because of that.

Hyo Jin immediately approach her. "Are you okay?" She asked. Yejin nodded. "Yes Im's only a burn..." She said. "No that's not what I mean... I notice you're being so dostrated today, waeyo?" She asked.

Yejin sit on her chair and let out a deep sigh. "Nothing... Maybe because I couldn't sleep last night." She said.

Honestly, she never had a chance to sleep because of Shin Hye's request keeps haunting her.

Hyo Jin tilt her head. "Arasso... If I were you I take a half day today and get some rest..." She said. Yejin smile.

She went to the restroom and staring on herself through the mirror while her hands is on the running water. "He's single and maybe he will be thankful if I'll help Shin Hye and him. Atleast Im sure that Shin Hye love him." She said.

"She's pretty and young. Bin will definitely like her." She said.


Ji Sub is on his car park infront of Yejin's apartment building. He didn't know why but he wanted to see her again. He knew how risky for him as an actor but he decide to went there and hoping that he might see her again.

He was about to start the engine but he saw a taxi stop infront of his car and his smile automatically seen on his face when he saw Yejin went down from it. 

He immediately put his cap on his head and wear his sunglasses.

"Yejin..." He called.

Yejin turn around to look who call her name.  She tilt her head, "Do I know you?" She said. Ji Sub smile and take off his sunglasses. "Oh my!" She startled. "So Ji Sub Oppa!" She said but she immediately cover her mouth.

Ji Sub smile, "Hi.." He said and he immediately put back his sunglass. "What are you doing here? You will cause a commotion when some people see you here." She said. Ji Sub scratch his head because he becomes speechless as soon as he saw her.

Yejin immediately take off her scarf and she put it around his neck to cover his face.

Ji Sub feel his heart skip a beat when Yejin is an inch closer to him.

"I.... I'm here to give you your gift. I forgot to give you last time." He said. Yejin nodded, "Oh, I see.." She said and she look to his hand. "Where is it?" She said.  Ji sub gulped. "Uhm... In the car." He said. 

"Yejin..." He called.  "Can I invite you for dinner tonight..." He said. Yejin blink her eyes because she couldn't believe on what she's been hearing. She smile,  "Arasso..." She said. 

Ji Sub open the door for her and Yejin went inside. Ji Sub smile as he immediately went back on his car.

Shin Hye saw them as she went down from her car. "Oh!" She said.  "Ji Sub oppa?" She added. She smile while watching the two.

On the other hand,  Hyun Bin is driving heading to his place. He stop when the traffic signals turn red. While waiting, he saw a cake shop. He smile and decide to go down and buy blueberry cheesecake for Yejin, it's her favorite.

While waiting on the cake that he ordered,  he try to call her but she didn't answer.


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