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The Result

Side story

Young Ae smile when her secretary told her that Shin hye is want to seek her audience.

Shin Hye went inside like a storm. "How could you do that to me?" Shin Hye said. Young Ae look at her relax and calm. "I guess, I made myself introduced to you properly this time... Ms. Park." Young Ae said.

"How dare you?!" Shin Hye shouted. Young Ae smile and look at her. "No! How dare you to ruined one's reputation! Yejin has been so good to you!" Young Ae said. "You have a thick face to tell me that... But you didn't realize how your action can ruined someone's life." She added.

"Look who's talking! What you did to me is the best example of ruining someone's life..." Shin Hye said. "I lost my job because of you!" She added.

Young Ae approach her. "I did it to show you what the feeling of being betrayed just like what you're doing to Yejin. Now you know the feeling, Ms. Park... How was it?" Young Ae said then she smirked. Shin Hye try to slap her but Young Ae hold her arms. "I guess you didn't learn your lesson... I'll just wait for Bin's move if he'll found out about your evilness.." She said.

Young Ae let out a deep sigh as she aggressively release her from her hold. "Tell to the security to assist Ms. Park to go outside..." Young Ae shouted.

Shin Hye look at her intently before she went outside from her office. Young Ae smirked.

Shin Hye's anger started to aroused as she went to the restaurant of her colleague when she saw Yejin walking towards the washroom then she immediately follow her.


Present days

Yejin lying on the hospital bed while waiting for the result. Bin is with her beside her while holding her hands. Dong Gun and Hyo Jin are both seated on the sofa at one corner of the room. "That brat girl! If something bad happened to Yejin I swear... I will pull her hair and punch her!" Hyo Jin said.  Dong Gun cover her mouth. "Yah! Shut your mouth... Yejin will heard you. I bet she's pregnant and I hope the baby was okay." Dong Gun whispered. Hyo Jin look at him. "You wanna bet?" He added. Hyo Jin look him. She was about to speak when the doctor went in.

"Mr. Hyun...." The doctor called as he went inside the room. "Dr. Cha..." He said. "How was she?" He asked. Yejin also waiting on her check up result.

"Ms. Son, did you have dizziness and vomiting these past few days?" She asked. Yejin look at to Hyun Bin the she nodded.

"Yes and I've been so exhausted... Waeyo? Am I sick?" She asked. Dr. Cha look at the lovely couple and then she smile. "You're not... But its normal for you to feel that symptoms." She said.

"What do you mean it's normal?" He asked. Yejin also got confused.

"Congratulations.... Ms. Son is six weeks pregnant base on her lab result." Dr. Cha said with a wide smile on her face.

The couple got surprised and exchange their glances.

"I knew it! I told you! Yejin is pregnant!" Dong Gun shouted. Hyo Jin look at him. "Yah! Maybe you're a shaman in your past life..." Hyo Jin said.

"Anyway, her HCG level is higher than a normal one. So, it's possible that she's conceiving a twins but also, we need to perform an ultrasound to confirm it." Dr. Cha said.

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