136 18 14

Caring Boyfriend

Side story

Young Ae is so excited for the meeting with Seo Cinema. Hyun Bin knock at her office and approach her.

"Noona... I'm surprised that you volunteer to be the major sponsor for Seo Cinema.." He said. Young Ae look at him. "And so?" She said. Hyun Bin smile and look at her through her eyes. "I'm sure that you're planning something... I know you always do charity works especially in old people and homeless people but this is the first time you want to give sponsorship to a movie industry." He said. "Tell me. What is it?" He asked.

Young Ae smile and stood up and seated opposite to him. "I just met a lady that I didn't had a chance to introduce myself properly." Young ae said. "So, this is the right opportunity to introduce myself to her. And I want her to remember me forever." She said and let out an evil smile.

"Yah! I didn't trust that smile of yours. Who she is? Did she try to hurt you or insult you?" He asked.

Young Ae flip her hair. "No one can insult Hyun Young Ae, Bin. You know me... I'm kind but I can be an evil one if someone so precious to me is hurting because of that person." She said. "You will meet her later... I bet she will come here soon." She said.

Hyun Bin got curious on who's the girl that his sister is talking about and knowing her sister, she will never stop until she get her revenge.


Present days

"CEO Hyun... There's something you need to know." His secretary said. "What is it?" He asked. He's on his office that time.

"I went to the flower shop and I just found out that a girl in her mid twenties who ordered the flowers that sent to Ms. Son under Mr. So's name. " He said.

Hyun Bin look at him.

"And I try to get close to Mr. So's assistant. He was a guy and Mr. So didn't knew about the flowers that Ms. Son received." He added. "So it's not Ji Sub who trying to ruin us?" He whispered.

"And... I just found out that Mr. So tell to his assistant to keep an eye to Ms. Park but I don't know the reason why." Mr. Song said.

"Park Shin Hye?" Hyun Bin asked. "Yes, CEO..." Mr. Song answered.

"Good job, Junnie.. Please update me about the result of the unknown number that I sent to you." He said. "Arasso..." He said and left him.

Hyun Bin frowned while thinking who is the person who tried to ruin their relationship and Yejin's reputation.

His thought interrupted when he received a text message from Yejin.

'Bin shhi... I'm at home now. I took my half day... Can you buy me some medicine for upset stomach? I'm vomiting since morning..

From: My Yejin

He immediately take his car key and coat and decided to take a half day and go to Yejin's place.


Yejin is lying on the sofa and feel so exhausted. "What a day!" She said. She immediately stand up and run towards the sink. And she vomits. She wash her mouth and drink more water.

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