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Being a fan and a girlfriend...

Just like the old times, Hyun Bin always staying in her place after he fetched her from her work. They do watching movies together,  playing some kiddie games and do some chit-chat.

"It's friday today... Hyo Jin and Dong Gun are both waiting for us at the bar, Bin shhi..." She said while searching for some clothes to wear.  Hyun Bin is seated on her bed while watching her. 

"Can we stay here tonight?" He asked. Yejin look at him. "Yah! Hyo Jin will nag at us..." She said.  He pull her and Yejin landed on his lap and look at her. "Wae? Am I so pretty to look at me like that?" She said. Hyun Bin let out a peal of laughter. Yejin smile faded. Hyun Bin kiss her. "So pretty that I want to lock you here and kiss you all night..." He whispered.

Yejin got blushed.

Hyun Bin kiss her while holding her face. Yejin feel his warm kiss and soft lips brushes to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and she couldn't control her laughter when she feel his manhood grow bigger.

"Wae?" He asked. Yejin got blushed. "Its odd...  I feel something down there..." She said.

Hyun Bin let out a small laugh and he carry her and lay her down on her bed. Yejin scream.

"Yah!" Yejin said and her giggles filled the entire room when Hyun Bin makes small little kisses on her neck.
Hyun Bin back her lips and suck it.

Yejin heard her phone ringing. She answered it while they're kissing.


(Hyo Jin shouted through the phone)

Yejin immediately seated and she accidentally bump on Hyun Bin head. Hyo Jin heard Hyun Bin's voice.

Hyo Jin: are you with Bin?

(Yejin and Hyun Bin look to each other)

Yejin: Yes... We're here at my place...

Hyo Jin: So you really don't plan to join us.. 

Yejin: No, we'll be there...

(Yejin cover his mouth as he continue on kissing her)

"Stop..." She whispered to Hyun Bin.

Hyo Jin: Arasso...  Just open your fuckin door and we're here outside.

Yejin: WHAT?!!

Yejin got startled. Hyo Jin end their calls and they both heard the door bell rings.

"They here, Bin..." She said. She immediately stood up and fix herself. She pull her dress and fix her hair before she went outside from her room.

"Nice timing..." He said. And he also fix himself.

Yejin open the door and let out a small smile. Dong Gun and Hyo Jin look at her and they didn't control to laugh.

"Wae?" She said.

The two immediately went inside and put down the bag of beers on the table. "I think Bin is in her room." Hyo Jin said to Dong Gun. "Aniyo! He's in the bathroom..." She said but Hyun Bin suddenly went outside her room.

The two let out a peal of laughter. "Yah! Bin has a talent to ruined your lipstick,  Ms. Son..." Hyo Jin said.

"What?" She said.

She immediately look at herself through the mirror and got blush to see herself. "Aishh.." She whispered. Her lipstick was ruined.

"Gosh... I think they're almost in the peak when we disturb them." Dong Gun said to tease them.

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