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Fan meeting

Yejin couldn't sleep last night because of her excitement for this day.

"Omo! Aishh... I have an eye bag..." She said while looking at herself through the mirror. Yejin smile when she look at to Ji Sub Standee. "Yah! Finally,  I will see you in person... Aigoo... I'm so nervous yet so excited..." She said with spark on her eyes.

She went to the cabinet and look for an outfit. She smile when she saw the dress that Hyun Bin gave her last Christmas. It is a offshoulder denim romper short.

After she take a bath, she went outside from her bathroom with only a towel that cover her body. She heard  her door click.

"Yah! I told you not to walk around here with only towels on your body." Hyun Bin said. Yejin rolled her eyes. "This is my place, Bin shhi... I can walk here even Im naked."She said. Hyun Bin look away. "Just wait me here... Arasso?" She said and she immediately went to her room.

Hyun Bin scratch his head. "I need a cold water, a very cold water..." He said and walk towards the fridge.

An hour has been passed when Yejin done on preparing herself. She immediately went outside from her room and walk towards to the sofa and stand infront of Hyun Bin. "How did I look?" She asked. Hyun Bin look at her and his jaw dropped for a second as he gulped. "Bin!" She said as she waiting for his response. Hyun Bin look away, "You're still unattractive... " He said.

Yejin pout her lips and throw him a pillow. Hyun Bin laugh. "Arasso... You're very pretty. I'll get blind when I look at you without any blink, happy?" He said. Yejin gave him a death glared. "Aishh... You have no taste at all.." She said. Hyun Bin let out a peal of laughter. "Yah! You really wanna die tonight?" Yejin said. Hyun Bin stop from his laugh. "I'll stop!" He said. "This is your night, cinderella... So stop frowning you will ruin your make up.." He said. Yejin smile and put her hands on his arms. "Let's go my bodyguard..." She said. Hyun bin got shocked. "Yah! Bodyguard?!".He said with his eyes widen.

"Wae? You want to be my prince charming?" She said. Hyun Bin didnt speak. "Ji sub oppa is my prince charming tonight.." Yejin said and walk  towards the door. Hyun Bin let out a small smile and follow her.


Shin hye is the assistant director for the fan meeting of So Ji Sub. She's busy on checking some important things like the stage, the questions that will ask to the Actor and so on.

"Ms. Park where did I put this?" The staff said. Shin Hye smile,  "Just put over there..." She said. "By the way, tell to the PR team to gathered the names of all female fan that will attend today,  Arasso?" She said.  "Arasso, Ms. Park.." The staff said. 

After that, she walk to the dressing room where Ji Sub stayed. "Good afternoon, Mr. So..." She said.

Ji Sub look at her then he smile. "Good afternoon Ms. Park.." He replied. "Are you ready? We will start in thirty minutes.. " She said. Ji Sub happily nodded, "Yes I am... Im very excited too.." He said.  "That's good to here..." She said. 

Meanwhile,  Hyun Bin and Yejin arrived early on the venue. They both seated in the front near the stage. This  seat is for all who bought the VIP tickets. "Woah... The place is so big and the tickets has been sold out. He's a superstar, Bin..." She said. "He is but Im more handsome than him." He said. Yejin gave him a light punch on his arms and Hyun Bin let out a small laugh. "Do you wanna something to eat or drinks?" He asked. Yejin shook her head. "I'm  fine, Bin... My focus right now is to see him..." She said excitedly. Hyun Bin shook his head. "He has an ordinary face and no charm at all..." He murmured. "What did you say?" Yejin asked. "Nothing... I said enjoy this day..." He said. 

After an hour of waiting the fan meeting has finally start. Everyone are shouting Ji Sub's name including Yejin when he stand on the stage. "Aishh... I think I'm more handsome than him..." He said and put a headset on his ears.

All the female fans are crazy and cheering for Ji Sub.

"Oppa!!! Saranghae!!!" Yejin shouted.  Hyun Bin look at her and pull her to sit down. "Wae?" Yejin said and gave him a death glared. Hyun Bin didn't speak.

Ji Sub sing as the introduction of his fan meeting. He also dance with his back up dancers. He also plays piano for his fan.

"Aigooo... He's so good in everything..." Yejin said. Hyun Bin heard it and let out a deep sigh. "I also play piano, remember? " He said. Yejin look at him. "But you're not just like him, Bin shhi... He's a hottie and cutie..." She said with her puppy eyes. Hyun Bin got shocked. "Yah!" He said. Yejin cover his mouth, "Just shut up! This is my favorite part... The question games..."She said.  Hyun Bin shook his head and he return his eyes on his phone. 

The emcee start to ask questions about Ji Sub. His favorite food, country etc. And when the emcee asked him about his status,  Ji Sub tell them that he's still single. Eveyone got crazy as they shout and cheering including Yejin. 

"What is your ideal type, Actor So? Everyone here wants to here it from you." The emcee asked. Ji sub let out a sweet smile and look around the arena and amaze that so many of his fans went there for him. But his eyes stop and landed in one girl who seated in front mear the stage.

Ji sub gulped as he looking at her. "Actor So?" The emcee called him again. "What your question again?" He asked. "Your ideal type..." The emcee said.

Ji sub look at that girl who captured his attention. "I think... She's really pretty, she has a very pretty eye smile and... A very innocent beauty..." He said while looking at her. 

Yejin tilt her head. "What's this? Is he looking at me?" She said.  Hyun Bin heard her then he laugh. "Yah! You're only assuming.... He said his ideal type is very pretty..." Hyun Bin said. "And what do you mean by that?" She asked. "You're unattractive, Ms. Son... So you're not his ideal type.." He said. Yejin gave him a death glared. "Aishh..   I will never allow you to stay in my place, Mr. Hyun..." Yejin said. Hyun Bin let out a peal of laughter but his smile faded when he notice Ji Sub is looking without any blink to his bestfriend. 


Side story

Hyun Bin smile when he saw her wearing the clothes that he gave on her last Christmas. "How do I look?" Yejin asked. He feel his heart is pounding and his jaw dropped for a second while looking at her. 

'You're really pretty...' In his mind.

"Bin?!" Yejin said as she waiting on his response. Hyun Bin look away. "You're still unattractive..." He said. Yejin gave him a death glared and throw a pillow on him.

"Arasso... You're very pretty. I'll get blind when I look at you without any blink, happy?" He said.

'I mean it, Yej... You're very pretty...' In Hyun Bin's mind.



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