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The Dating Scandal

Yejin wokes up with her head aching because of hang over. "Gosh..." She said. She immediately open her eyes when she feel she's lying on a bed. She seated up and look to her surrounding and she release a breath of relief when she saw her room. She gently hit her head. "Aishhh..." She said. She try to remember what happened last night but she can't.

"Then how I ended up here?" She said. "Bin..." She said. She excitedly went outside from her door but her smile faded when she saw Hyo Jin preparing some food.

"Wae? Are you dissapointed because you saw me instead of someone?" Hyo Jin said. Yejin rolled her eyes and sit on the chair. "Shut up!" She said. Hyo Jin gave her a cold water. "How do I get here?" She asked. Hyo Jin hit her on her head. "Yah!" She said. "Don't drink again just like what you did last night... And you never remember what happened..." She said.

"Did you and Dong Gun sent me home?" She asked. Hyo Jin didn't speak. "Silence means yes..." She said. Hyo Jin look at her. "Just eat... And I'll also prepared some hang over soup for you. I have to go... You know I have a lunch meeting today." Hyo Jin said. Yejin smile and wave her hands. "Thank you, my sweet Hyo Jin..." She said.

Hyo Jin rolled her eyes. And she went outside.

Yejin take her phone and check if Hyun Bin send her a message or try to call her but her smile faded when she didn't receive any from him. "Yah! Fine! Friendship over... Is this what you want?" She said and put down her phone. "Aishh..." She said as she started to get annoyed.

She take a spoon of hang over soup and her eyes widen. "What's this?" She said. The taste is so familiar to her. "This is Bin's hang over soup..." She said. "Aniyo! That's impossible..." She said. Her doorbell ring in the middle of her thinking.

She open the door and got surprised to see a delivery man holding a bouquet of tulips.

"Ms. Son Ye Jin?" He said.
"Yes..." She said.

"Someone wants to give this to you..." He said. "Please sign it here..." He added. "Arasso..." She said and sign the paper. "Thank you..." She said before she close the door.

It's a beautiful large bouquet of tulips, her favorite. She never read the card because she knew who send it, she assume it's from Ji Sub.
She recall their conversation month ago.


Ji sub hold her hand and Yejin pull it away. Ji Sub look at her. "I notice you avoiding me this past few days.." He said. "Is there any problem?"He asked. Yejin let out a deep sigh before she speak. "I have something to tell you.." She said. Ji Sub get worry and he look away. "Let's talk about it later..." He said. "No! I think this is the right opportunity to talk about it." She said.

Ji Sub went outside from his car. Yejin gain her courage before she went down to follow him.

They both seated at the bumper and look at the night scenery of Seoul. "Im sorry..." She said. "You're such a good person, Ji Sub that's why I feel so guilty if I will not tell you about this." She said. Ji Sub remain silent. "Im in love with someone that's why I can't return the love that you're giving me." She said. Ji Sub look at her and she saw the pain in his eyes. "Is he also love you?" He asked. "What?" Yejin asked.

Ji Sub hold her hands. "Tell me... Is he tell you that he love you?" He asked. Yejin shook her head.

"It's not important-" She said.
"No! It's important, Yej...  I will never stop and i will never give up on you not until he told you that he loves you too. I still have a chance to show you how you really mean to me..." He said.

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