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Making his moves

The two didn't speak while Hyun Bin is driving heading on his place. Yejin look at the view outside but she steal glances of him through his reflection through the car window. But she got so startled when she saw him looking at her through the car window.  She immediately close her eyes and pretend to sleep. 

Hyun Bin let out a deep sigh.

They we're walking at the hallway towards to his unit. They never speak until they went inside to his unit.

Yejin smile to see their pictures together display on the top of the drawer.

Hyun Bin give her a clothes. "Wash and fix yourself first... Wear this..." He said. Yejin let out a small smile. "Thank you, Bin..." She said. Hyun Bin smile back.

She's wearing an oversized white shirt and his shorts. She smell the food when she went outside the bathroom.  She immediately went to the kitchen and saw him cooking.

"Wow... It's look so delicious..." She said with her pair of eye smile. Hyun Bin look at her. Her phone suddenly ring and they both saw Ji Sub's name registered on the screen. She was about to answer it when Hyun Bin snatch her phone.

"Yah!" She said.
Hyun Bin gave her a death glared. "No phone for today..." He said in a serious tone.

"Aishh!" She said.  She stood up and look around.  She went to the balcony and breath some fresh air. "Gosh! How I miss this place..." She said. 

She's always been here and Bin let him stay here if she wants too. But unlike Bin, she never knew his door passcode.

Meanwhile, Hyun Bin is getting annoyed because Yejin's phone keeps on ringing and Ji Sub's name keeps reappearing on her phone screen. 

He turned it off and put it inside the drawer near the kitchen. "I don't want anyone to interfere us today...." He whispered. 

Yejin went back inside and saw him preparing the table. "You need help?" She asked. Hyun Bin look at her. "Can you help me,  Your Highness?" He said. Yejin let out a peal of laughter. She immediately approach him and help him.


Ji Sub try to call Yejin but her phone has been turned off.

"We need to clarify it and give a statement to media as soon as possible." His manager said. "But before that, I need to know the real score between the two of you. Is it true that you have a romantic relationship with her?" He asked.

Ji Sub didn't speak. "Ji Sub, you need to tell me the truth so I can also protect her. Did you know how your fans will react about this news?" He added. 

"How the media knows about her? Even her photos was leak to the media? I've been so careful on my actions when it comes to her so I can protect her." He said angrily.

"We still don't know. And we still investigating who is their source. There's also a photo of you with her infront of her apartment building." His manager said. "I'll sent someone to her apartment to protect her but no one inside." He added. 

"She's not there?" He asked. "I want to see her..." He said. "I can't let you... Please be obedient even for today..." His manager said then he left him.

Ji Sub let out a deep sigh. "Im sorry Yejin.." He said.


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