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Yejin notice that after that incident with Shin Hye. Hyun Bin didn't barge in on her place just like the old times. He also stop from fetching her at her work. He still chatting but mostly through their group chat and when friday comes he always try to avoid her and sit apart from her. And now, he never showed up in their group gatherings.

"Have you two fight?" Hyo Jin asked. Yejin doesn't know what to answer. They never argue but why she feel there's something wrong between them. "No we're not..." She answered. "If so, maybe Bin are trying to put some boundaries between you and him." Dong Gun said. Yejin look at him. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Yah! You're so close to each other and you're mistaken like in a romantic relationship. And now, you're dating the hottest actor in korea and I think he's also comfortable hanging out with Shin Hye... That's why maybe he realize to put some boundaries between you and him." Dong Gun said.

"Yah! For correction... Yejin is still never say yes to Ji Sub...and did I heard it right? He's still hanging out to Shin Hye?" Hyo Jin said. Dong Gun nodded. "Yes... I saw him last time fetching her in Gangnam when I had a photoshoot there." He said.

Yejin drink her beer and snatch the martini from Hyo Jin and drink it. "Yah! It's mine! What's with you?" Hyo Jin said.

Yejin recalled how Shin Hye told her how she's having fun with him everytime they hang outs.

Dong Gun and Hyo Jin look at her as she drink her beer continuously. "Yah! Son Ye Jin! Stop you're already drunk." Hyo Jin said. Yejin smile. "Im fine... Gosh, Im just so happy he's not here. No one dictate me on how many I will drink and my short I wear was too short.." She said.

Dong Gun and Hyo Jin exchange their glances.

"And that's what makes my heart fluttered and assume for more than. She murmured. The two didnt heard it because of the loud music. She stood up and she struggle to stand.

"Yah! Let's go... Lets continue this to your place, Yejin..." Hyo Jin said. Yejin pull her arms from her hold. "Gong Hyo Jin! Im an adult now... I can handle myself... I know what Im doing..." She said. "Were always here but I will never had a chance to dance on the dance floor." She said.

Yejin walks towards to the dance floor. "Aishh...that girl.." Hyo Jin said.

Hyo Jin take Yejin's phone that keep on ringing on the table. And she saw Ji Sub's name registered on the screen.

Meanwhile, Hyun Bin is on his office trying to make busy himself on his work. He feel so annoyed when Yejin try to make Shin Hye get close to him. He's frowning as he recalled their conversation months ago.


Yejin got startled when someone continue knocking on her door on this late hours.

She open it and Hyun Bin immediately went inside. "Oh! Bin.." She said.

"Why you have to do that. I thought you'll come with us." He asked. Yejin sit to the sofa and try to remain calm. "Gosh, Bin I thought what happened to you. "She said.

"Son Ye Jin!" He said in his serious tone.

Yejin look at him and stand up. "Wae? Why you're so mad right now? Im just helping you to find the girl for you instead of doing some blind dates or whatever..." She said.

'And doing myself a favor to forget the feelings that I have for you...' In her mind.

Hyun Bin let out a deep sigh. "But still, I have all rights to decide whom I will go out." He said. "You have no right to set me up like what you did earlier." He said. "Yes... I have no right for you..." She said then she look away. "What?" He said. Yejin turn around and try to control her tears.

"We're not getting any younger, Bin. I want you to have a companion or a partner that will truly loves you and care for you..." She said.

'I want to be that someone but you never let me be that someone for you...' In her mind.

Hyun Bin look at her and want to touch her but he control himself. "He let out a deep sigh. "You mean it?" He asked. "Tell me, you really mean what you say?" He asked. Yejin let out a deep sigh and she nodded. "Yes..." She said. She turn around and look at him. "I want you to be happy, Bin. Jus like me with Ji Sub." She said.

'But I want to be your happiness, Bin...' In her mind.

Hyun Bin clench his fist. "Arasso... If that's what you want..." He said. He turn around and walk towards to the door then he left.

End of flashback

He let out a deep sigh. He see her pretty eye smile as he close his eyes. "Yejin... Was my decision is right? Not to confessed my true feelings to you before?" He said. Because of it, he try to ignores his feelings. He decide to avoid her and try to stop his feeling grow more deeper.

In the middle of his thoughts, his phone suddenly beep.

'Bin are you busy? Can you come here at our favorite bar. Ye jin is really drunk and we couldn't stop her from drinking...

From: Dong Gun

"Aishh! She has a low tolerance in alcohol..." He said. He immediately take his car key and walk fast and went outside from his office.

Meanwhile, Yejin still dancing on the floor and gets really drunk. Some guys try to hit on her but Dong Gun protect her.

Ji Sub with his black cap and face mask enter the bar and saw Yejin dancing as he look around. He immediately walk to approach her.

He grab her on her waist when she's about to fall. "Yah! Don't touch her!" Dong Gun said. Ji sub take off his face mask. "Oh!" Dong gun said as he was so shocked. Ji sub put back his facemask and assist Yejin as they walk away from the crowd.

"Who are you?" She said. "It's me... So Ji Sub..." He said. Yejin look at him and because of the alcohol she takes she's struggling to stand up.

"Oh!" She said when she feel she's about to fall. She wrapped her arms around his neck and Ji Sub hold her on her waist. She take off his mask. "You're not him..." She said. "What?" Ji Sub asked. Yejin smile, "You're not him that's why I told you to stop pursuing me..." She said. "Im getting so confused right now... Yeah, you make my heart fluttered whenever I saw you but I know this is not love... Because of him I'm getting more confused..." She said. 

Ji Sub hug her. Yejin got startled. "I can't, Yejin...." He whispered. 

Hyun Bin saw them in that position. And he makes him more jealous. He turn around and walk back to his car. 
"Damn!" He said because he can't leave her alone especially now she's drunk. He knew her well.

He back and saw Ji Sub carrying Yejin that he thinks she passed out because of alcohol.

He stand infront of him. Ji Sub look at him. "Move..." Ji Sub said. Hyun Bin smirked but he didn't move. "I will send her home." Hyun Bin said.  Ji Sub gave him a death glared and walk passed through him.

"Yah!  So Ji Sub!" He shouted.

"Who the hell are you in her life?" Ji Sub said.  "You're only her bestfriend so stop meddling on her life... Im the one who should taking care of her not you. So please stop and know your boundaries..." Ji Sub said. 

Hyun Bin clench his fist.  His word hits him.

Dong Gun and Hyo Jin saw that scene. 

"Are you her boyfriend?" Hyun Bin asked. "What?" Ji sub said. 

"If not, stop acting like you are her boyfriend. So as far as I know, I have all the rights on her... She's trusting me more than anybody." He said. Ji Sub couldn't speak.

Hyun Bin snatch Yejin from him and gave him a death glared before he walk passed through him.



My gosh... 😍😍😍 why It makes me more kilig and got envy to Yejin girl??? 😁✌️😘

Thanks to all of you and im so happy that this story makes you all happy while reading it.

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