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Loving Boyfriend

" I'll go..." Hyun Bin said. Young Ae look at him. "Wow..  It's a sudden change, Bin.." She said. Hyun Bin look at her. "You really hate business trip... And now you volunteer yourself..." She added.

Hyun Bin smile with his dimples.

"Arasso... I'll sign this before you change your mood." Young Ae said. Hyun Bin let out a small laughter. "That's great... I'll go home to prepare my things.." He said.

"Yah! You can pack your things later and leave tomorrow..." Young Ae said but Hyun Bin ignored her.

"Aigoo... I think he has a plan during his whole business trip..." She said and tilt her head a bit.

Meanwhile, Yejin is preoccupied by something while making her coffee through their office mini kitchen. "Are you okay? Hyo Jin said. "You continuously stirring your coffee... There's something bothering you?" Hyo Jin asked.

Yejin look at her.

"I'm fine... Actually Im really happy but I feel guilty towards to Shin Hye.." She said. "Waeyo?" She asked.


"How could you do this, Eonnie? I treat you like my older sister..." Shin Hye said. Yejin look at her and she saw how painful it is for her. "Tell me... Are you and Oppa is in a relationship now?" Shin Hye asked. Yejin didn't know what the exact word to tell. 

She nodded.

Shin Hye got more mad at her and her tears escaping from her eyes. "You're being selfish, Eonnie.." Shin Hye said. "No, Im not!..." She said. "So it's okay with you that Im hurting right now? You know how much i love him, Eonnie.." Shin Hye cried.

Yejin try to comfort her but Shin Hye gave her a death glared.

"You didn't know how much I tried to avoid him... How much I tried to ignored my feelings for him.." She said.

Shin Hye hold her hand. "Please, Eonnie.... Can you let me have him?." She said. "Yah! He's not a thing or a toy that so easy to give to someone...." She said. "Aniyo! I love him... I can't grant your request, Shin Hye.." She said.

Shin Hye look at her. "Arasso... So you're a person who can be so happy yet she knew that there's someone is suffering and hurting...." Shin Hye said and intently bumped her by walking passed through her. 

Yejin let out a deep sigh when Shin Hye left.

End of flashback

"Don't mind her... What important is, that you and Bin love each other." Hyo Jin said. "I know... But I feel so guilty because she's like a little sister to me..." She said. Hyo Jin tap her on her shoulder. "I'm  still here, you still have a sister and that's me..." Hyo Jin said. Yejin let out a small smile but her mind is still on Shin Hye.

'I hope I did a right thing....'In her mind.


Hyo Jin is waiting to Yejin at the lobby.  "Oh you're still here?" She said. "Bin texted me that he couldn't fetch you. He also book a cab for us." Hyo Jin said. Yejin smile. "Yah! You're lucky... Bin loves you so much... You're being slow to not feel it ever since." Hyo Jin said.

"Yah!" She said.

"Wae? Im telling the truth, both of you are so slow when it comes to feel each other's feelings. Aishh..." Hyo Jin said.  Yejin let out a sweet smile.

"Oh! The cab is here... Let's go..." Hyo Jin said and gently pull her.

Yejin open her door and got shocked to see Hyun Bin is inside. "Yah! I thought you're busy... I didn't expect you here..." She said. Hyun Bin smile and put the food that he cooked on the table. "I wanted to surprised my Yejin..." He said. 

Yejin got blushed. "Gosh, my Yejin..." She whispered.

Hyun Bin pull a chair for her and Yejin seated. "Woah! I feel like I'm in a five star restaurant...." She said and make a two thumbs up. "Good job, Mr.  Hyun..." She said. Hyun Bin smile.

Yejin smile while watching him preparing the steak for her. "Yah... You spoiling me..." She said. "It's  my happiness to take care of you..." He said.

Yejin smile.

After they ate dinner their drinking their red wine in the living room. "Yah! It's getting late, Bin.." She said. Bin drink his wine. "So let's go to bed... And we're leaving early tomorrow..." Hyun Bin said. Yejin look at him with confusion. "Let's go to bed together? And wait... Did I heard it right? We're leaving early tomorrow?" She asked.

Hyun Bin smile. "Waeyo? Am I not allowed to sleep with you? We're both an adult now and..." He said but Yejin cover his mouth and let out a peal of laughter. Hyun Bin take her hand and kiss it. "Let's go with me to Jeju island... I volunteer to go there for us to have a trip together..." He said. Yejin got shocked. "Yah! It's a sudden...  I didn't prepared and  I need to go to work tomorrow, we have a meeting to our suppliers..." Yejin said.

Hyun Bin smile and fix some hair strand on her face. "I already prepared your things. It's in your luggage already..." He said. "What?" She said. "And, I already talk to Hyo Jin and she said it's fine with her. She will cover you and your boss agreed." He added.

Yejin let out a wide smile. "Yah! So I have no choice but to come with you.." She said. Hyun Bin let out a small laugh. Hyun Bin kiss her.

The two sleep together on Yejin's bed. Hyun Bin couldn't control himself to watch her sleeping. Just like the old times, he do love to take stolen shot of her. "I love you..." He whispered and kiss her. Yejin still sleeping soundly and rested her head on his chest.


Side story

Shin Hye is on her car waiting for someone.

Half an hour has been passed when a woman get inside.

Shin Hye gave her an envelope. "Make sure that it will be hit just like the first rumor." Shin Hye said.

The woman open the envelope and saw some pictures of Ji sub and Yejin together.

"Wow... Where did you get this shot?" She asked. Shin Hye didn't speak.

"Arasso... I'll do some edits to make a beautiful impact..." She said.

Shin Hye gave her an evelope that fulls of money.

"Make sure that can ruin someone's reputation..." Shin Hye said.

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