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Shin Hye's secret reveal

Yejin and Hyo Jin went to a restaurant  to eat and met Dong Gun. They we're on their lunch break and Dong Gun wants to see them before he go to the airport. Dong Gun has a business trip in Mongolia for three days.

"Hello beautiful ladies..." He said as he wave his hand to Yejin and Hyo Jin. The two smile at him then they seated at the vacant chair. "Yah! We will miss you..." Hyo Jin said. "I bet you will cry that's why I didn't ask all of you to send me in the airport." Dong Gun said. Yejin let out a peal of laughter. "In your wish! I will miss you but duh,  who are you to shed my tears..." Hyo Jin said jokely.  "Aishh... This girl always win on an argument." Dong Gun said. The two girls laugh.

"I'll call Bin so he can join us here." Yejin said. "He's on his way already... I' called him earlier." He said. "Anyway, how's your stomach, Yej?" Hyo Jin said. "Wae? Are you sick, Yej?" Dong Gun asked.

"I'm  fine... But I still vomiting every morning. Maybe this weekend we'll go to the hospital." She said.

"My sister is just like that when she got pregnant... Maybe your pregnant, Yej?" Dong Gun said.

"Yah!" The two girls said.

Hyo Jin throw him a table napkin. "Wae?" Dong Gun said. Hyo Jin look at her. "But Dong Gun has a point, Yejin... Tell me, are your period was delayed?" She asked.

Yejin let out an awkward laugh.

"Yah! Maybe I ate some food that made my stomach upset... That's all.." She said. But her word suddenly back at her when she suddenly observed that her menstruation was delayed.

She suddenly stood up. "Excuse me, I'll go to washroom to freshen up." She said. 

Hyo Jin and Dong Gun exchange their glances.


Hyun Bin is on his way heading to the restaurant. He stop when the stoplight turns to red. He read a text message on his phone.

CEO, I already sent to you the attachment regarding the owner of the unknown number...

From: Secretary Song

He look at the attachment and read it.
"Kang Min ho? Who's this?" He said.

He texted his secretary.

'Junnie let's meet that man this weekend... Contact him and make an appointment to him.

Then he sent it before he continue on driving.

Meanwhile,  Shin Hye got surprised to see Yejin in the restaurant and walking towards the washroom. She immediately follow her.

Yejin vomit again and wash her mouth. She recalled what Dong Gun said earlier as she's looking at herself through the mirror. She touch her tummy, "Am I ready? If I am really pregnant?" She whispered.

"Hello, Eonnie..." Shin Hye said. Yejin look at her through the mirror. "Shin Hye..." She said. She turn around to face her.  Shin Hye stand beside her and gave her a death glared through the mirror. "Are you still not move on?"Yejin Said. Shin Hye smirked. "How can I, If my one and only bestfriend betrayed me for a guy." She said. Yejin let out a deep sigh, "I guess you're still not ready to talk about it. Let's talk when you're ready." Yejin said and decide to avoid her but Shin Hye hold her in her arms and tighten her grip to stop her from walking away.

"Yah! I'm still older than you, Shin Hye." Yejin said. Shin Hye smirked. "I don't care..." She said and push her and her body hit at the sink. Yejin look at her. "You know what? Eversince, I feel so annoyed at you. You always the favorite of the people that surrounds us. You always steal the spotlight from me... You always makes me feel that I'm the looser." Shin Hye shouted.

Yejin got shocked. "It's not true! I treat you like my little sister. I always gave you what you wanted even though how I really like the foods or things, I'll gave it to you when you told me that you want it." Yejin said. "Really? But why you didn't grant my request to you. I told you to help me win Bin Oppa's heart. But what you did? You stole him from me." Shin Hye said and her emotion burst out. "I didn't steal him, he's mine ever since. We love each other back then. We both try to ignored our feelings but we couldn't." She said. Yejin try to control her emotions. "And Bin is not a thing that I can easily give to you if you wanted. He's an exception." She said. Yejin look at her. "Forget about him because I won't allowed anyone who will try to steal him from me." She said. She was about to walk away but Shin Hye hold her. "I won't allow you to be happy with him. If I failed to ruined you using Ji Sub Oppa, well this time I will make sure I will not fail." Shin Hye suddenly spilled her secret but she couldn't take back what she said. Yejin got shocked. "What?" She said. "What did you say?" Yejin started to anger towards her.

Yejin look at her intently. Shin Hye gulped. "So you're the one who did it? Yah! Park Shin Hye!" Yejin scream and her emotions that she's trying to control, now it burst out.

"Fine! I'm the person who told to the media about you and Ji Sub oppa. And you're still fine so there's no reason for you to get mad at me. And you pushed me to do that to you." Shin Hye said. Yejin clench her fist and try to not hurt her. "Don't you ever appear infront of me again." Yejin said.

Shin Hye grab her hair when she walk passed through her. "Let go!" Yejin said.

On the other hand, Hyun Bin arrived at the restaurant but he frowned when he didn't see Yejin. "Where's Yej?" He said when he approach them.  "She's on the washroom." Hyo Jin said. Dong Gun look at his clock. "She's a bit long inside there, Hyo Jin." Dong Gun said. "Wait I'll check on her." She said but Hyun Bin stop her. "I'll go..." He said. He immediately walk towards the washroom. And he heard a commotion while walking at the hallway. He immediately walk fast towards to where the washroom is.

"I said let go!" Yejin said. Shin Hye still pulling her hair. Yejin has a bit knowledge on self defense because Hyun Bin taught her some martial arts moved. Yejin turn  around her body while holding Shin Hye's arms. And she put her arms on her back. "I don't want to hurt you so please stop before I couldn't  control myself, Shin Hye." She said. Shin Hye is hurting because of her position. 

Yejin release her and fix herself. "That's my warning..." She said. Shin Hye saw a vase on in the side of the sink and  she throw it to Yejin but Hyun Bin saw them. He immediately cover his body to Yejin.

Yejin and Shin Hye are both startled.

"Bin!" She said.
"Are you okay?" He asked. Yejin nodded.

Shin Hye look at them. Hyun Bin clench his fist and turn around to face her. "How could you do that to Yejin?" He said angrily. Yejin hold his arms to stop him. "Let's go, Bin..." She said. "Oppa I'm sorry I didn't intend to do it.  I'm just trying to defend myself from Eonnie." Shin Hye said.

Yejin look at her. "Liar!" She whispered. She feel her abdomen tightens. "Bin... Let's go.." She said. Hyun Bin gave Shin Hye a death glared before they walk outside the washroom.

"What took you so long?" Hyo Jin said to Yejin when they approach them. "Miss? There's a blood on your skirt..." The lady said when she saw a blood behind her.

Hyun Bin look at to it. And Yejin feels a warm liquid flowing down between her legs.


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