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Making memories together

Hyun Bin is on the kitchen making their coffee while Yejin is taking her bath. Her door bell rings and Hyun Bin immediately went to the door to check who was it.

"Good morning... Delivery for Ms. Son Ye Jin..." The delivery man said. Hyun Bin saw a bouquet of tulips and a small box. Hyun Bin signed it and received it.

He was busy looking on the bouquet as he went inside. The card accidentally fall on the floor. When he pick it. He saw the name of Ji Sub.

"What's that?" Yejin said when she saw Hyun Bin holding a bouquet of tulips. "Is that for me?" She asked with a smile. "How sweet of you, Bin shhi..." She added.

"It's from Ji Sub..." He said in a serious tone. "What?" She said. "I thought you already talked to him..." He said. "Yes.. And he already accepted the fact that we're dating..." She said.

Hyun Bin let out a deep sigh and put the bouquet on the table and he went to the room.

"Bin..." She called. Yejin let out a deep sigh and she look to the bouquet.

They already in his car and Bin is still quiet and focus on his driving. Yejin look at him.

"Yah! Just stop the car and drop me at somewhere instead of being quiet the whole time and ignoring me." She said.

Hyun Bin immediately stop the car on the side road and Yejin got shocked.

"I'm sorry..." He said. And look at her.
"I was just got jealous..." He added.

Yejin didn't speak.

"You don't have to get jealous, Bin... You know how much i love you, right?" She said. Hyun Bin smile. He reach her hand and hold it. "I know... But I couldn't control myself to get jealous, I really love you, Yej." He said.  Yejin try to control her smile.

"I'm still annoyed..." She said to tease him. Hyun Bin smile and look outside and got lucky to see a tteokbeokki store at the side walk. He immediately went outside and Yejin got shocked. She watch him from the inside and she smile when she saw him walking towards to a store.

"Bin shhi... You really knew me..." She said.

The rides is full of laughters and giggles. Yejin always keep on singing while Hyun Bin is focus on the road while listening to his girlfriend sweet voice. 

One of the personality of Yejin that Hyun Bin love the most is her being a cheerful person. She makes him more comfortable and he can be his best when he's with her.

Yejin fell asleep because of her craziness during their ride. Hyun Bin smile while looking at her sleeping.

He kiss her hands and that's what makes her wake up. "Where here, Yej?" He said. Yejin let out a small laugh. "Im sorry... I fall asleep..." She said. "It's okay I know you're tired because you had a concert earlier." He said. Yejin let out a peal of laughter.

"Yah!" She said.

"Oh! Gosh,  the sea is so pretty..." She said. She immediately went down from the car. "Yej..." He called and he let out a small laugh while watching his girlfriend so excited to walk on the sand.

"Bin.." She called. She's walking and play on the waves that hit on the seashore. Hyun Bin take a stolen shot of her. He also take a video of her playing and laughing while running when the waves hit her.

He really loves how playful and fun she is.

"Yah! Mr. Hyun... Come here or else I get someone else with me..." She shouted to teased him.

Hyun Bin smile faded and he run to chase her.

Yejin scream when Hyun Bin grab her on her waist and carry her.

"No!!!" She said when Hyun Bin run towards the sea while carrying her.

Yejin laugh when the waves hit them. Her contagious laughter makes Hyun Bin to laugh too.

The two continue to play like a kids without any worries.


After the meeting Hyo Jin stays in their office to do some reworks.

"Ms. Gong, someone wants to see Ms. Son and she didn't believe that she's on her leave." The junior staff said.

"Who was it?" Hyo Jin asked. "Park Shin Hye. ." He said. Hyo Jin raised her eyebrow.

Shin Hye standing at the hallway while looking at the cherry blossom tree at the center of the building.

"Oh, looks here... The playing innocent friend of my best friend is here. What are you doing here?" Hyo Jin said. Shin Hye raised her eyebrow. "Where is Yejin Eonnie?" She asked.

Hyo Jin let out a deep sigh and she smirked. "Yah! She's with her BOYFRIEND and having fun today... Are you her stalker or something? You always looking for her.." Hyo Jin said.

"What? She's with Bin Oppa?" She asked and her mood suddenly change.

She try to call her but Yejin's phone is unattended. "Hey you! Stop messing around and stop playing victim. Yejin is a nice person but please don't abuse her kindness, arasso? You're lucky because she still doesn't see your true identity but me, I can smell something's not right on you." Hyo Jin said.

Shin Hye look at her. "You old woman... Just shut your mouth..." Shin Hye said. "What?"Hyo Jin said and her anger aroused. Shin Hye rolled her eyes and walk away from her.

"That brat girl!" Hyo Jin said.


"Wow! You rented this place? It's so pretty, Bin shhi.." She said.

Hyun Bin rented a house near the sea. It has a two room, a swimming pool outside, a karaoke room and a jacuzzi on one of the room. Yejin look at the glass wall and you can see the perfect view of the sea. "It's so pretty..." She said.

Hyun Bin approach her and hug her from her behind. "I'm glad that you like this place...." He said. Yejin smile and turn around to face him. Hyun Bin still wrapping his arms around her perfectly shape body. "I love this place and I love it more because Im with you...." She said. Hyun Bin smile. She hug him tightly. "Thank you,Bin for loving me this way.... Im so lucky that Im being love by someone like you." She said. "Please don't change..." She whispered.

Hyun Bin kiss her on her forehead. "I will... And I will be a better Boyfriend for my Yejin.." He said. Yejin smile and kiss him and he kiss her back. "Let's continue this in your room or my room?" He said to tease her. Yejin let out a peal of laughter. "Yah! It's too early for that..." She said.

"So, you're saying that.... We will do it later?tonight?" He whispered. Yejin laughs and release herself from his hold. "Get me first..." She said and run. Hyun Bin try to chase her.

The two keep their chasing games around the house. Her laughter and giggles filled the entire house.



Guys are you all watch Bifan ceremony 2024????? Gosh.... Son Ye Jin is really a goddess and a humble person.... I watched earlier so happy to see her again in the red carpet.... I was hoping she's with our Binnie but fate doesn't upon me I think hehe.... But still so happy to see her walking down on the red carpet and the ticket has been sold out in less than 5 minutes after it released.

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