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Yejin wokes up and she feels there's a towel on her forehead. She immediately seated and look around. She still in her room. She saw a basin and glass of water on her side table. She was about to stand up when Hyun Bin enter the room.

"Yah! Don't move... You still having a fever." He said. Yejin look at him and she got surprised to see him. "How did you get here in?" She asked.

Hyun Bin approach her and fix the blanket on her body. "I used the spare key..." He said. Yejin look away to hide her pain. Hyun Bin hold her hands. "I'm sorry..." He said. Yejin look at him. "I'm sorry for not listening to you first and let my jealousy controls me instead to be with you especially when you need me the most." He said.

Yejin's tears slowly escaping from her eyes. But she didn't speak and try to wipe it away.

"Yej..." He called.
Yejin pull her hands from his hold. Hyun Bin got startled. "Bin... I'm just thinking... If we can make this work? I mean, I understand that you have trust issues because of what your mother did in the past but... If it's hard for you to trust on me, we might end up hurting each other in the end." She said. Hyun Bin look at her, "what do you mean?" He asked. Yejin look at him. "I love you, I really do... But It will be really enough to withstand all the issues that might be in our relationship?" She cried. "I'm scared that if we continue this... Our friendship will also put at risk." She said.

"No! Yej... Please... Give me another chance... I'll fix this.. I swear this will be the last time that I'll doubt on you and Im really sorry." He said. He hug her tightly and Yejin feels the warm liquid dropping on her shoulder. "Please... I'm begging you... Don't break up with me... I can't afford to loose you..." He cried.

Yejin close her eyes and her tears keep running down on her cheeks.


Shin Hye is waiting on the lobby of Hyun Bin's company. She wanted to talk to him but his secretary told her that he's on his leave.

"So I guess... You're relationship is now on the rocks.." She said and smile widely.

"President Hyun, she's the one I told you. She's looking for CEO Hyun." Mr. Song (Bin's secretary) said to Young Ae.

Young Ae cross her arms infront of her while watching Shin Hye from a far.

"Who are you? Why you want to talk to my brother?" Young Ae said as she approach Shin Hye. Shin Hye got surprised to see her. "Annyeong Haseyo, Young Ae Eonnie... Im Park Shin Hye, If you remember I'm Yejin Eonnie's old time friend." She said.

"Friend? Really? Then why you're looking to her boyfriend instead to go to her place and be with her side in times like this..." Young Ae said. Shin Hye look at her. "What do you mean? Is there something happened to Yejin Eonnie?" She asked.

Young Ae smirked and walk closer to her. "You're her friend, right? Why you didn't know what happening to your friend?" She said. Young Ae feels there's something odd about Shin Hye. Shin Hye couldn't speak and look away. "Please stay away to my brother. I know what the real intention of a woman like you..." Young Ae said and walk passed through her.

"She's cheating on him!" Shin Hye said. Young Ae stop from her walk but her back still on her. "Yejin Eonnie is cheated on him... I know because I always saw them together. That's why Im here to tell it to Bin Oppa." Shin Hye said.

"What?" Young Ae said and turn around to face her. "Are you really telling me the truth? Is Yejin really cheating on my brother?" Young Ae said. Shin Hye nodded. "That actor always visited her on her place and I saw them. The news about them are true but Ji Sub always deny it for the sake of them." Shin Hye lied.


Yejin is seated on her bed while looking at the window. She smile when the snow started to fall.

Hyun Bin is seated on the side of the bed peeling some fruits for her. "Eat this..." He said. Yejin look at him.

Hyun Bin hold her hand. "Thank you for giving me another chance, Yej... I swear it will never happened again." He said. Yejin smile.

"I realize how scary it is when you're not on my side, Yej... I was so wrong to judge you without hearing your side. I was so stupid to believe on the photo that sent to me." He said. Yejin got confused. "A photo?" She asked.

Hyun Bin nodded. "There's someone sent me that photo that's why I went here the day that I saw you with him. And that's what made me more jealous to saw him inside your apartment." He explained.

Yejin frowned. "Then who was it? The one who try to ruin us?" She asked. Hyun Bin caress her face. "Don't worry I started to investigate who was it. Im just waiting for the result." He said.

Hyun Bin hug her. "I love you..." He whispered. "From now on, I will do my best just to protect you and our relationship. No one can ruin us again..." He said. Yejin hug him back. "I miss you, Bin shhi..." She whispered.

Hyun Bin take care of her the whole day. He also stay in her place at night. He ordered all her favorite foods like tteobeokki and chicken. Aside from it, he made some porridge for her. 

They seated on the sofa while feeding her. "Yah! I'm full already...." She said. "You need to eat a lot for you to recover. Hyo Jin will nag at me if she saw you loose some weight. " He said. Yejin let out a peal of laughter. "Why you change your password? I can't go in and that's makes me more worried earlier." He said.

Yejin let out a small smile. "Because I'm waiting for you to come here but you didn't... That's why I changed it for me not to expect at all that you will here beside me when I wake up." She said and her smile faded.

Hyun Bin let out a small smile. "I came here everyday but I don't have a courage to face you, Im sorry to let you feel that I Ignored you.." He said. Yejin got surprised then she smile.



Have a happy weekend everyone... I'LL upload the next chapter tonight... I hope everyone is healthy and happy today... 

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