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One hot night in Jeju

Hyun Bin observe Yejin that seems so distracted. Yejin pour another shot of champagne on her wine glass but it's pour on her dress instead on her glass. Hyun Bin immediately take the tissue and help her to wipe the champagne on her dress. "Are you okay? You seem so nervous, waeyo?" He asked.

Yejin look away. "Im fine.." She said.
She let out a small smile. Hyun Bin look at her intently and he tries to control his laughter when he saw how her hand is trembling.

He reach her hand and hold it and Yejin makes startled. "Your hand is so cold... Are you sure you're really okay?" He asked. Yejin nodded. "Wait I'll adjust the heater." He said. He was about to stand up when Yejin stop him.

"It's okay... You're body is enough to make me warm, tonight...." She said. Hyun Bin let out a small smile.

Yejin got blushed when she understand what she's been said. She bite her lower lips and Hyun Bin finds her really seductive on it.

"I mean... Your hand makes me-" she said but she didn't stop her sentence when Hyun Bin suddenly kiss her. He look at her and wait her to open her eyes. "You're cute..." He said. Yejin look at him and she look away because she's melting on the way he looks at her.

"I think the alcohol has already an effect on me..." He whispered. Yejin's heart keep pounding. Hyun Bin smile.

"Yah! I.... I'm planning to seduce you but I don't know how to-"She said but she stop when Hyun Bin laugh.

"Wae???" She said. Hyun Bin caress her face and look at her. "You don't have to try harder, Yej..." He said. He kiss her on her forehead, in her nose and in her lips.

"You're seducing me right now..." He whispered. He kiss her again gently and passionately.

Yejin close her eyes and feel his warm kiss. Hyun Bin suck her lower lips and he gently lean her on the sofa. Yejin let out a soft moaned when she feel his hands travel on her back.

They both breathless when they lips part way. Hyun Bin look at her. "Are you sure about this, Yej? I can wait if you still not ready..." He said. Yejin smile and slowly untie her dress.

Hyun Bin gulped while looking at her as she slowly revealing the sexy lingerie underneath her dress.

"I think your ready, Yej..." He whispered. He immediately carry her and walk towards to the room where the ceiling see the beauty of the night sky.

He gently lay her down on the bed. And look at her from her head upto her feet.

He feels how his manhood grow bigger and harder while looking at the sexy and innocent temptress infront of him.

The red sexy lace lingerie makes her body more alluring and hot.

Hyun Bin slowly place himself on top of her and he started to kiss her. Her body react on every touch of him. Hyun Bin smells her sweet aroma that so seducing.

Yejin let out a sweet moaned when Hyun Bin slowly touching her bossoms. Her breast is fitted on his large hand.

Her nipples is playing peak a boo.
"Yej...  I couldn't control this anymore..." He whispered. And he own her lips possessively. He let his hand travel on her soft and delicate skin.

He makes small little kisses on her neck and shoulder while his hand gently pressing her nipples.

"Bin.." She said softly.

Hyun Bin smile as he heard her calling his name.

Yejin got shocked when Hyun Bin tore her lingerie. "Yah! This is so expensive, Bin.." She said. Hyun Bin let out a small laugh and that's what makes him to want her more tonight.

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