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Unexpected guest!!!

Hyun Bin is looking at his glass window through his office. When a soft knock interrupted his thoughts.
"Come in..." He said. 

His secretary wen inside and put a folder on his table. "CEO Hyun this is the monthly sales for this month." She said. Hyun Bin sign it and gave it back to her. "Anyway, Ms. Son drop by here a while ago..." She said. Hyun Bin got shocked. "Why you didn't tell me?" He said. "She told me not to tell you because she only went here to give you this." She said. His secretary give him a lunchbox. "Arasso... Thanks Junnie... You may leave now." He said.

Hyun Bin open it and smile while reading the notes on it.

'Bin shhi... Ahjumma called me and told me that you skip your breakfast again... You really wanna sick? I prepared this for you... Please eat well and make sure you to eat all of it.'


He smile and open it. He saw how Yejin make an effort to prepared it foe him. A smiley emoticon made by green peas on top of his rice. He will never deny it how Yejin can cooked well. He take his phone and took a photo of it. He text Yejin while his wearing his smile.

On the other hand, Yejin smile while reading his chat.

'Thanks for this... But you forgot to make some seaweed soup... 🙄

From: Bin Shhi

"I forgot!" She said. "It's his favorite..." She added. "Ms. Son... There's someone wants to meet you..." One of the junior staff said. Yejin tilt her head and got confused who is it.

She went outside and got shocked to see Who was it.

"Park Shin Hye?" She said.

Shin Hye look at her then she smile.
"Eonnie... How are you?" She said.

Shin Hye and Yejin are neighbors before she move in on her apartment. She's like a little sister for her. Shin Hye always on her Halabeoji's house and they play make ups and some girly stuffs before.

"Yah! You look still look so pretty..." She said. Shin Hye smile. "Just like you my Pretty Eonnie..." She said.

"Wait me here, Arasso? I'll  take my half day today... Let's have some drinks..." Yejin said. Shin Hye let out a peal of laughter. "Arasso..." She said.


Hyun Bin always check his wrist watch because Yejin is not yet arrive. His with Dong gun and Hyo Jin in their favorite bar somewhere in Seoul. Every friday is their time for them to have fun and drinks. They always make time for friday for them to get together. 

"She text me and say sorry she couldn't make it today..." Hyo Jin said. Hyun Bin look at her. "Did she tell you why?" Dong Gun asked. "She had a visitor. A friend maybe?" Hyo Jin replied.

Hyun Bin drink his beer. Dong Gun look at him and he decide to tease him. "Who was it? A guy friend? Or she started dating again?" Dong Gun said. "Yah!" He shouted.

Hyo Jin and Dong Gun look at him as they both shocked. "Im sorry... I was just carried away on this video that I watched." He said.

Hyo Jin shook her head. "Yah! You're a bad actor, Bin. You're phone has been off.." She said. Dong Gun laugh while looking at him. Hyun Bin gave him a death glared and throw some snack on him. He stood up and went outside.

"Aigooo... This two makes me confused about their relationship..." Hyo Jin said. "Agree... I think Bin is in denial of his feelings..." Dong gun said.  Hyo Jin let out a peal of laughter. "But I enjoy watching their indenial games... You wanna bet?" She said. Dong Gun smile, "Sure! How much did you bet this time?" He asked.


Yejin invites Shin Hye on her place. They continue to drink on her place. Shin Hye drinks Soju while Yejin drinks beer.

"I couldn't believe that I saw you in fan meeting that day." Shin Hye said. Yejin laugh as she remember that day. "Wow your lucky... Imagine there's a thousands of Ji Sub oppa's fans in that place but you won to have date with him." Shin Hye said. Yejin smile and drink her beer. "Me too.. Until now I couldn't believe it..." She said. "It's magical for me..." She added.

Shin Hye let out a small smile. She tilt her head. "But honestly, after the event all of us are all shocked when Ji Sub Oppa suggested a dinner with you. It's not part of the event, I swear. He made that decision by himself." She said. "Really?" Yejin said as she also got curious.

Shin Hye look around and saw some Hyun bin and Yejin's photo togeher display on the wall and some of them is on top of the cabinet.

"Eonnie..." She called. Yejin look at her and she follow where she's looking at. "Is he Bin Oppa?" She asked. Yejin smile and nodded. "Yes..." She said. "It seems you're still seeing each other." She said. Yejin look at their pictures. "Yes, we're still keep in touch..." She said.

Shin Hye smile. "Are you dating him?" She asked. Yejin choked and burst of laughing. "Yah! We're not! He's only my bestfriend..." She said.

Shin Hye let out a wide smile. "Really?" She asked. Yejin smile as she nodded. "So, it will be okay to you if I'll hit on him?" Shin Hye asked. Yejin smile faded. "What?" She said and got startled.

Shin Hye smile and drink hef soju before she speak. "I...  Really like him before and still like him..." She said. Yejin couldn't speak and she drink her beer. "Eonnie.." Shin Hye called. "Can you help me to win him over?" She said.

Yejin look at her and she really don't know what she will answer. "Please Eonnie..." Shin Hye said. "He's not an easy one, Shin Hye..." She said. Shin Hye lean her head to her shoulder. "I know that's why I need your help... I really like him, Eonnie. Since the day I first saw him." She said.

Yejin let out a deep sigh. Her door bell suddenly ring. "Are you expecting some visitor?" Shin Hye asked. "Aniyo.." She said.

Yejin stood up and walk towards the door. Her eyes got widen to see Hyun Bin infront of it.

"Bin..." She said.

Hyun Bin immediately went inside and it's too late for her to stop him.

"Oppa!" Shin Hye said with spark on her eyes when she saw Hyun Bin.

Hyun Bin and Yejin got startled when Shin Hye immediately approach him and hug him.

Yejin felt annoyed while watching them infront of her.


Side story

"What's this, Bin??" Yejin said when she look all the photos of her with Ji Sub during his fan meeting. It's all blurred and the other one is couldn't see Ji Sub's face. "Yah!" Yejin said. Hyun Bin try to control his laughter. "I told you, Im bad on taking pictures." He said. Yejin gave him a death glared. "I don't believe you! You intently did this..." She said. "You always had a nice shot whenever you took a picture of me for my instagram." She said. She stamp her feet and walk inside to her room.

Hyun Bin smile while looking at her.



Fate starting to move...  I wonder where they leads them...  😊😊😁✌️

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