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Dinner date with my dream boy..

"Bin!!!" She shouted excitedly. Hyun Bin look at her. "Yah! I didn't expect this... To have a dinner date with him..." She said and let out a peal of laughter.  They still on the parking outside their car.

Hyun bin keep his silence. He didn't know why his mood suddenly change. "Here, take me to that address... The staff gave that to me and told me to go there tonight." Yejin said. Hyun bin look at her.  "Im not your driver, Ms. Son..." He said. "Just take a cab if you really want to go and have a dinner date with him." He said. Yejin pout her lips. "What's with you? You're just like a girl being on her menstruation days." She said. Hyun Bin look away. "Please..." Yejin said with her puppy eyes. He was about to speak when a car stop infront of them. And a guy went down and approach them.

"Ms. Son Ye Jin?" He said.
"Yes..." She said. 

"We will take you to the restaurant. Mr. So Ji Sub is also inside the car." He said. Yejin and Hyun Bin exchange their glances. "You don't have to, I will send her to the restaurant." Hyun Bin said.  Yejin hold him in his arms, "Arasso... I'll go with Ji Sub Oppa.." Yejin said.

"Yah!" Hyun Bin said. Yejin turn around to face him. "Go home first, Bin Shhi... I'll take a cab after the dinner..." She said. "Please drive safely, Arasso? Ill promise Ill text you when I get home." She said and wave her two hands.

"Yej..." He called. "Wae? You're not in a  mood to drive me there.." She said.

"Arasso, I'll take you there..." He said.

But Yejin ignored him and went inside the car infront of them.

Meanwhile, Yejin got surprised to see Ji Sub seated beside her on the back seat. "Hi..." He said. Yejin let out a small smile. "Hi..." She said.

An awkwardness filled the entire car.

Hyun Bin watching the car from a far.  "Fine! You're an adult now..  You can protect yourself now..." He said as he went inside the car.  He start the car engine and decide to go home. He look at the address. "Aigoo... Son Ye jin shhi..." He said and let out a deep sigh.   He drive as fast as he could.

Yejin enjoying the violin performance of the staffs infront of their table. She smiling the whole time while watching them. Ji Sub steal glances on her then his smile automatically seen on his face.  After the said performance, the staff leave them. 

"Let's eat..." Ji Sub said. Yejin smile but she drink her wine instead. She let out a small smile while looking at him. "I'm sorry, I'm really nervous and I couldn't believe that Im having a dinner date with you..." Yejin said.

"Me too... This is the first time to feel nervous..." Ji Sub said.  Yejin let out a small laugh. 

They laugh, talk and chat while eating.

Hyun Bin saw how happy his bestfriend for tonight. He saw her pair of eye smile the whole time. Her contagious laughter that filled the entire area. He drink his wine straight while looking at the two. He let out a deep sigh and look away. 

Yejin make Ji Sub feel comfortable. He never gets boring in their conversation. She's witty and cheerful. He finds her sexy when she laugh and so pretty when her crescent shape eyes appeared,  In Ji Sub's thought. "Waeyo?" She asked when she notice Ji Sub is only looking at her the whole time. "Nothing..."He said.  "You're pretty..." He said. Yejin gulped and she feel she's blushing.

After the dinner, one of Ji Sub's staff approach them. "Ms. Son, will it be okay to you if we will release the dinner photos in the media?" She said.  Yejin happily nodded. "Sure.. It's fine with me.." She said. She return her eyes to Ji Sub. "Thanks for the wonderful dinner... I will never forget this day..." She said. Ji Sub smile. "I'll send you home..." He said. Yejin got shocked. "What?" She said.

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