16. you make it easy

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I drove slowly through Divine's apartment complex trying to find his building number. It's been a few days and Charlie has not heard from him. I've tried him, and so has Omar and Goldie. And he has not answered for anyone.

Omar told me about his friend Tony dying and I figured I'd come check on him. We haven't talked in like 2 weeks.

People are saying Tony was found decapitated in a random alley in Aventura. I know Divine must be devastated. I obviously didn't know him, but Omar told me he took Divine and P under his wing and taught them a lot. I parked in the visitors parking lot once I found it. I got out locking my doors to my Nissan and walked through the parking garage to the elevator.

I hit number 3 on the elevator buttons, and sent a silent prayer to God for divine. Between dealing with grief from his brother's death, I can only imagine how he's feeling losing another person that was close to him in such a gruesome way. I held onto the food bag contained with chicken wings and fried I brought for him and I.

Once I got onto his floor, I read each door number until I got to his. I knocked a few times and waited for a bit. No answer.

I knocked a few more times, I noticed his Ring doorbell device and hit the button on that, "Hi, Divine. It's me Time, just coming to check on you.. I heard about your friend.."

A few minutes later, he finally opened the door.

The smell of weed greeted me before he did, Divine stood in front of me shirtless, with only checkered red and black pajama pants on. His eyes were low and red and had light bags under them.

I raised the bag of food I had in my hand, "Hey, I heard the news. I just wanted to check on you. I'm so sorry, Divine."

He sighed, "Not today, Time. Thank you, though." He responded before trying to shut the door.

I put my New Balance sneaker in the middle to stop it from closing, he looked at me with an annoyed expression. "Please, let me just bring the food in." I asked.

"I'm not hungry." He responded.

His demeanor was reminding me of how he was when I first met him. Cold, distant, and avoidant. He started to open up a little I've noticed from our previous phone calls, our lunch at the chicken spot, the party.. seemed like he was doing a little better , now I see he is right back in that place.

"Divine." I protested simply, slanting my head to the side, "Please."

He sighed and opened the door, I walked into his messy but modern apartment.

I set the food on his dining table, that sat along various plates and cups. I eyed his living room, that had clothes and miscellaneous items scattered around.

"Your mom has been trying to call you, she asked me to stop by and check on you."

"My phone is off." Divine responded. I nodded still scanning his dirty apartment.

I tucked my hands in the back pockets of my mom jeans and looked around, "I'm gonna clean up." I rolled my jacket sleeves up to my elbows and tied the hair tie that was around my wrist around my freshly done bohemian braids.

"You really don't have to." He said, sitting down pulling out his blunt tray, with weed buds scattered all over it.

I ignored him and watched as he self medicated, I sighed and decided to try and talk to him before cleaning, "Divine, I'm so sorry about your friend. I know it's hard dealing with another loss from someone so close to you-"

"Fuck that nigga, I don't give a fuck about that." He spat as he broke down the weed with his fingers.

I frowned in confusion, "Wait- I thought-"

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