7. entangled

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"This bitch so whack." I mumbled to myself after seeing Erica's snapchat story. I clicked the circle to re-watch Divine walking into her apartment, squinting his eyes from the flash. She captioned it "D" with a red heart emoji. I giggled to myself. She's so pressed to let everybody know she is fucking with him again, especially me. Our beef started ever since I told Divine to stop talking to her when I moved in, ever since then the bitch been dying for my attention.

I took to my snapchat and took a picture of myself rolling my eyes, "Bitches be literally dying for attention." I captioned it before posting it. I checked to see if Divine posted anything on his story and as usual, he hasn't posted anything.

My thoughts got interrupted by the sound of my door creeping open, It was my sister popping her small head in, "I see you saw Erica's post." She told me referring to my shady snapchat sub.

"The bitch is trying to get under your skin, don't let her." She said sitting on my canopy bed.

"I'm not, but this hoe been competing with me for Divine for like two years now. She finally got what she wanted, she can have his ass." I shrugged, holding my white fluffy throw pillow.

"You don't mean that. Plus, just because he was at her house don't mean she got him. She got dick, that's it." Loren replied, with a giggle.

Just the thought of him fucking her made me cringe, I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, I hate him. He couldn't wait to fuck another bitch." I growled.

Loren sucked her teeth, "Girl, he's a nigga. That's what they do." Loren replied. "Especially, an emotionally unavailable one. Don't take it personal, Camry."

"I ain't, but still. He was mine, now his nasty ass is for the streets."

"Camry, he stopped being yours when a long time ago."


I sighed, after closing my door to my old Honda Civic. I immediately, locked my doors and turned on the Bluetooth to my aux. Playing Kehlani's latest album, "Bad News" blasted through my speakers as I pulled off. I started my route to Chipotle for dinner deciding to call Annika to ask if she wanted anything.

"Thank you for thinking of me, girl! But I just ate, I made alfredo if you wanted to take some for lunch tomorrow?" She suggested.

"Okay, sounds good!" I ended the call, smiling. Little things like this is what I appreciated in life, living with my mother everything was always planned. She controlled what I ate, where I went, what time I came home, to when I went to sleep. I was so grateful, for the free time I had after work and class. I was grateful for my sanity. My thoughts caused my mother to call, I pressed answer on the car play screen and her loud voice boomed through the car. "Where are you? Her Jamaican accent so fluently asked.

"Driving home, leaving the school."

"You went to work, today?"

"Yes mom, 8 whole hours. Like always." I retorted.

"I don't need ya sass, gyal. When are you coming home?"

I rolled my eyes, going home was the last thing I wanted to do. Christmas break was near, and my family always goes overboard for Christmas. Pictures, trips, dinners, gatherings. The thought of it was exhausting. My mother always controlled everything, but she was always anal on Christmas. Making sure everything was perfect, for other people's validation. Now that daddy was gone, I knew she was going to have to work ten times harder, to prove to our family she had it all together.

"Ma, I was thinking about staying with Goldie for Christmas-"

"Oh no! You are coming home. Why you want to stay? I'm your mother, don't you wan' come home to be with your family?" She immediately yelled.

"I just want to do something different this year, ma. I like it here."

Her teethed sucked long and dramatic, "Different? Ya want different, now? Now that ya' father's gone ya want different?... Tsssk, different."

I sighed, while turning into my apartment complex. Just few minutes on the phone listening to this was too much for me. "Ma' work is calling. I got to go, Listen, I'm not saying no to coming home. It was just a thought. Talk to you later."

I rushed her off the phone, "Call me back-"

"Okay, love you." I ended the call before throwing my phone. "So much for sanity." I mumbled.

Walking into the apartment, I greeted Annika before eating my dinner and taking a shower. As I showered, my mind wondered to Divine. Wondering how he is doing, wondering who that girl was from the gas station. Just now realizing she was a different girl from the one I seen on Twitter. I'm so out of touch when it comes to relationships I didn't even think to think maybe they broke up, I assumed that was his new girlfriend. Either way, I hope she is a form of healing for him.

The energy I got those three times I met him, was so depressing.


I wrapped the white towel around my waist before walking into Erica's bedroom. I looked around the room disgusted with all this pink sparkly shit everywhere. "You know you too old, for all this glitter." I told her while she oiled up her naked body. "Boy, whatever. Fuck you, I'm a hood princess."

I shook my head, grown ass woman calling herself a hood princess. I lay on her pink fluffy bed sparking a blunt that was on her nightstand. "You know your old bitch subbing me on snap?" She spoke putting on biker shorts. I seen what Camry posted but didn't know what or who she was talking about, I was really uninterested in they drama but I pretended to care until my high arrived.

"Why you think everything about you?" I asked.

"Because I posted you, and now she mad." She spoke sliding on a tank top.

I frowned, "Posted me?" When Camry and I were shacking up she made me unfollow her on all socials, so I didn't even see that shit. What is she posting me for? Damn, I forgot how fucking extra, this bitch was.

"Yeah, I mean that's a problem?" She asked.

"It ain't no problem, but like.. for what?" I was careful with my words I didn't want to piss her off I wanted some head before I left.

"I mean just cause, It's my snap I don't need a reason." She snapped. I could hear her getting offended so I dropped it, dragging on the blunt.

She held her hand out for a hit, took a pull before speaking "That bitch need to chill out on that shit though. before I say something to her ass. I know she mad as fuck her nigga got took again, but I ain't tell you to start fucking with me. It ain't my fault she can't keep you, period."

I rolled my eyes at her ghetto ass; she was getting a kick out of me being here too. I wanted to leave, but she fucks way too good.

"Chill yo ass out, give me the blunt..."

"You trying to suck some?" I asked trying to shut her up, watching her grin I grinned back.

She crawled in between my legs, taking off my towel, I immediately put my hand on her curly head, shutting out the noise, and going back into my world of distraction.

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