part 5

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Star slowly opened her eyes as the bright morning sunlight streamed through the gap in the curtains.

She sat up with a yawn, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

She stretched lazily before climbing out of bed, her bare feet padding softly on the cold floor.

She padded over to her wardrobe and pulled out a casual outfit for the day, mentally preparing herself for breakfast.

Star took a quick shower to freshen up after the party the night before.

The warm water cascaded over her body, washing away any residual stickiness from the previous night's activities.

She took her time washing her hair and scrubbing her skin, feeling relaxed and refreshed as the steam filled the small bathroom.

After her shower, Star toweled herself dry, her skin still warm and rosy from the hot water.

She brushed her hair and pulled it up into a messy bun, leaving a few loose strands framing her face.

She put on some fresh underwear and a comfortable outfit, feeling ready to face the morning.

Star slipped on her chosen outfit of a black mini top and comfy black sweatpants. The soft fabric of the pants hugged her curves, while the short length of the top showed off a sliver of her stomach.



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Star made her way down to the common room, where she found her brother Harry already waiting for her.

He was chatting quietly with Ron and Hermione, who looked ready for the day as well.

"Good morning," Harry greeted her as she approached.

"Morning, guys," Starlight mumbled.

The four friends left the cozy common room, heading towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

The corridors of the castle were quiet as the majority of the students were likely still in bed, enjoying their weekend.

As they walked, Ron yawned widely, stretching his arms out above his head.

"I could eat a Hippogriff," he grumbled, his stomach growling loudly.

Star smirked at Ron's hungry comment, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, because you didn't shovel enough food down your throat at dinner last night?"

Ron shot her an indignant look, his empty stomach clearly not appreciating her sass.

"You try playing Quidditch and see how hungry you get," he retorted.

Hermione rolled her eyes, hiding a smile behind her hand. "You're always hungry, Ron."

Star chuckled at Hermione's remark, her sarcastic nature never far from the surface.

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