Part 33

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Matteo stormed into the Gryffindor common room, the argument still fresh in his mind. His heart was pounding, a mixture of anger and regret coursing through his veins. He clutched a few items that he knew were Starlight's favorites. A book she'd been looking forward to reading, a blanket she always used when studying in the common room, and a small charm that she never took off. 

He marched towards her room, determined to apologize and make things right. But to his dismay, her room was empty, and she was nowhere to be found.

Matteo felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as he saw that Star wasn't in her room. Where could she have gone? He wondered, frustration building inside him. He clutched the items he had gathered for her, feeling hopeless. 

He knew Starlight well enough to know that she likely retreated somewhere to be alone when she was upset. But he was just there and he wasn't there. So where was she?

As he was about to leave, his gaze caught sight of something on the bed. Letters. His heart skipped a beat as he stepped closer to the bed and saw that they were addressed to different people. 

Curiosity piqued, Matteo picked up one of the letters and saw that it was addressed to Mae, Pansy, Astoria and Daphne, Draco, Blaise, Enzo, and Theo. There was one more letter, addressed to Matteo. He skimmed through the page, his heart sinking as he realized that they were all goodbye letters.

Matteo's hands were trembling as he picked up the letter addressed to him. He took a shuddering breath, his body tensing up in anticipation of what he might find inside. 

He carefully unsealed the envelope, his fingers slightly shaky. The letter was handwritten, and the moment he began reading it, his heart constricted tightly in his chest.


Hi baby,

I don't know where to start but I guess I have to begin by saying how much you have made my life worth living. You have been my rock in countless situations and my love for you has never waivered. You have been there for me through the darkest times and comforted me when I was sure I couldn't continue.

I never truly knew true happiness or love until I found you. And for that, I am eternally grateful. You have given me the will to continue on this path and the love that I need to face anything the world throws at me.

But, baby, I'm afraid, that I will not be able to face this next challenge. I don't know if I'm strong enough to continue on.

It breaks my heart to write these painful words, to leave behind the one person who has given me everything I have needed in this world, but I have no other choice.

My love, you have never once done me wrong and have never failed to give me everything I need. You have loved me from the first moment we met and have never once waivered in your feelings for me.

I know you have done everything in you power to help me, and for that, I am eternally grateful. You have stuck by me through every problem I have faced and never let me go. And that's why it's so painful for me to say that I haven't been trying. I always have known that I was unfixable, but I couldn't break your heart and tell you that I wasn't trying.

I've tried to hold on for as long as I could, for you, if for nothing else. I wanted to give you the best version of myself and a partner that would love and care for you like you so deserve. But I'm afraid I have failed you, baby.

I don't know how to continue on in this life anymore. I feel like I am fighting a losing battle, and I don't have the strength to keep going. You have been the only thing that has keep me going for the longest time, and now even that isn't working.

DESTINY - Matteo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now