Part 34

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Matteo joined Fred and George at the edge of the Black Lake, their eyes scanning the vast expanse of water. 

The lake was eerily still, the surface like a dark, mirror, reflecting the twinkling stars above. Matteo's heart was pounding, his fingers clenching the edge of the railing.

Matteo's heart dropped as his eyes landed on a figure floating in the middle of the lake. 

"No. No, no, no, no..." he whispered, his voice trembling. He recognized the long, golden hair instantly. 

It was Starlight.

Matteo was the first to react, surging forward without a second thought. He lunged into the water, the cold embrace of the lake hitting him like a wall. 

Fred and George quickly followed, diving into the water as well. They all swam towards the motionless figure of Starlight, their hearts heavy with dread.

As they reached the body, Matteo felt his heart drop even further. Seeing Starlight like this, lifeless and pale, was a pain he never thought he'd experience. 

He turned her over, his hands shaking violently. She was cold, too cold, and her face was devoid of any color. 

"No...No, this can't be happening..." he muttered, the words caught in his throat. He refused to believe that he had lost her.

Fred and George joined Matteo, their own faces filled with despair. They took hold of Starlight's body, lifting her carefully out of the water. 

"We need to get her to Madam Pomfrey, now," George said, his voice shaking. Matteo nodded, his eyes never leaving the face of the girl he loved. 

Matteo picked up Starlight in a bridal way and they started to run towards the castle, each step feeling heavier than the last.

The run back to the castle was a blur. Matteo's mind was in frenzy, his heart thundering in his chest. Every step felt like an eternity, and the weight of Starlight's lifeless body in his arms was a constant reminder of the gravity of the situation.

Finally, the castle was in sight, and they stumbled up the steps, the silence of the night shattered by their panicked breaths and footsteps.

They burst through the doors of the castle and into the main entrance hall, the silence of the empty corridor broken by their rushed footsteps and ragged breathing.

Matteo's mind was chaotic, his thoughts a tangled mess, but one thing was clear that they had to get Starlight straight to Madam Pomfrey.

They ran through the corridors, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls. Finally, they arrived at the doors to the infirmary.

Without a moment's hesitation, Matteo burst through the doors, carrying Starlight in his arms.

"Madam Pomfrey!" George yelled out for her. Madam Pomfrey looked up from her desk, her eyes widening at the sight of the drenched group.

Madam Pomfrey took one look at them and immediately leaped into action.

She ushered them towards a nearby bed, her eyes trained on Starlight. "Set her down on the bed," she instructed, her voice firm.

Matteo nodded, his hands shaky as he laid Starlight down gently onto the bed. Madam Pomfrey rushed forward, her hands moving over Starlight's still form.

Madam Pomfrey bent over Starlight, performing various diagnostic spells and checking her vitals. Her eyes scanned over the pale body, noting the bluish tinge of her skin.

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