Part 28

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A sense of urgency and dread hung in the air as Death Eaters flooed into the dreary gathering room. The Dark Lord, Voldemort, he, who has no nose, stood at the front, his mere presence commanding attention and fear.

"I apologize for summoning you all so late," he hissed, his voice chillingly smooth. "But we have matters to discuss that cannot wait until morning."

Voldemort's pale gaze swept over the group of Death Eaters, his expression dark and contemplative.

"It has come to my attention that Potter and his little friends are on the hunt for horcruxes," he said, his voice echoing slightly in the room.

A murmur of surprise and fear rippled through the assembly.

"Their quest is a fool's errand. They cannot hope to find all the horcruxes I have concealed." Voldemort continued, pacing slowly in front of the Death Eaters.

A cruel smile tugged at his lips. "However, it seems that some of them have already located one."

The mention of found horcruxes had the Death Eaters all on edge, their eyes darting around at each other anxiously.

"I have information that one of my horcruxes has been discovered," Voldemort announced, his gaze falling on each Death Eater in turn. "That is why I have called you here tonight."

He, who has no nose, turned his attention to Matteo, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"I want to know updates on the tasks I gave each of you," he said, a hint of impatience in his voice.

Then, his gaze fixed on Matteo. "And I've been getting reports that the task I tasked you with, Matteo, is still incomplete. Why is Hogwarts' precious Starlight Potter still breathing?"

Matteo swallowed hard, trying to keep his composure under Voldemort's intense gaze.

"I'm waiting for the perfect moment," he replied, his voice steady despite the nerves coursing through him.

"When she least expects it, I'll strike. I know exactly how I'll do it." Matteo was careful not to let his inner turmoil show on his face—he had no idea how he was going to do it. He was just stalling for time and praying that a plan would present itself eventually.

Theodore, Draco, Enzo and Blase exchange a quick, worried glance among themselves as Matteo speaks.

They knew him better than anyone in the room, and they knew that he wouldn't be able to kill Star. The conflict was written all over their faces. They could see the struggle in his eyes, the internal battle he was fighting.

They understood his dilemma better than anyone, and it tortured them to see him in such a position.

Theodore clenched his teeth, his expression pained, while Draco looked away, unable to meet Matteo's gaze. Enzo and Blase both looked visibly distressed, their eyes darting furtively between their friend and the dark lord.

Voldemort regarded Matteo for a long moment, his expression cold and calculating.

"Very well," he said, a hint of threat in his voice. "But I'm expecting to hear news of Starlight Potter's demise soon. Do not disappoint me, my son."

Matteo gritted his teeth, but he managed to keep his outward reaction stoic.

"Yes, my lord," he said shortly.

As Voldemort turned his attention back to the other Death Eaters, Matteo risked a quick glance at his friends.

They all had varying looks of concern and worry for him on their faces, and he could see the silent support they were silently offering.

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