Part 22

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Star woke up with a start, disoriented for a moment before realizing where she was. She was in Matteo's bed, his arms still around her, holding her close. She looked up at him, taking in his peaceful face as he slept.

She shifted slightly, snuggling deeper into his embrace, feeling a sense of safety and comfort in being in his arms.

Matteo stirred at her movement, his eyes fluttering open. He looked down at her, a small smile tugging at his lips as he saw her looking up at him.

"Morning," he mumbled, his voice hoarse with sleep. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.
"How are you feeling?" he asked gently, his hand stroking her hair.

Star was quiet for a moment, contemplating his question. She felt a little better after getting some sleep, but the pain from yesterday was still there, a heavyweight in her heart.

"I don't know," she admitted softly. "I feel..." She shook her head, unable to find the right words.
Matteo cupped her face in his hand, making her look at him.

"You don't have to talk about it now," he said. "But you don't have to deal with it alone, alright? I'm here, whenever you need me."

Star nodded, appreciative of his understanding and patience. She leaned into his touch, soaking in the comfort it provided.

They stayed like that for a moment, enjoying the peace and quiet of the morning.

Matteo's thumb traced soothing circles on her cheek, his eyes filled with love and concern. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, a silent promise of his love and support.

Star and Matteo got up from bed, reluctantly leaving the warmth and comfort of each other's arms. They both freshened up and got dressed for the day.

Matteo kept sneaking looks at her, hoping she would open up about what had happened yesterday, but he didn't push her.

As they headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast, Star's mind was still swirling with thoughts about yesterday, but she pushed them aside for now. She had Matteo by her side, and that was enough.

They sat down at the Slytherin table, their friends giving them curious looks, probably wondering what had happened the night before.

Matteo glanced at her, silently asking if she was alright. She gave him a small smile, trying to reassure him that she was alright, or at least would be.

They started eating, their friends joining in a conversation about classes of the day.

Yet, Star's mind wasn't fully there, still haunted by the events of yesterday.

Matteo was aware of her distracted state, the far-off look in her eyes, and the way she picked at her food without really eating.

He wanted to ask her what was on her mind, but he knew it wasn't the right time, not here in the Great Hall surrounded by their friends.

He reached under the table and gave her hand a gentle squeeze, a silent show of support and love. She squeezed back, grateful for his presence.

They finished their breakfast and headed to their first class together.

Star tried her best to focus on the lesson, but her thoughts kept drifting back to the events of the previous day. Matteo kept casting her worried looks, but she reassured him with a small smile.

They attended their classes diligently, going through the motions, but neither of them was really present.

Star was putting up a brave façade, hiding her pain for now, and Matteo was silently worrying about her.

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