Part 24

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The winter had finally arrived, and Hogwarts was blanketed in snow. The castle was icy cold, the air filled with a biting chill that cut through even the thickest robes.

The snow had turned the grounds into a picturesque winter wonderland, but it was so cold that even the bravest students chose to stay indoors.

Every morning, the students would go to the Great Hall for breakfast, their breaths visible in the air.

The professors kept roaring fires burning in every classroom, and thankfully, it was not enough to keep the cold out.

The students would light the fireplace in their dormitories by using their wands to cast a fire-lighting spell.

They would say "Incendio" and a small spark would appear at the end of their wand, which would then grow into a small fire in the fireplace.

The fire would crackle and grow, spreading warmth throughout the dormitory space. Some students would also use their wands to add more wood to the fire, to keep it going longer and to make the room extra warm. They would do this every morning to start the day.

Starlight woke up shivering, her breath visible in the air. The cold had seeped into her dormitory overnight, and the warmth of her blankets had faded in the cold morning air.

She sat up, her teeth chattering slightly, and reached for her wand on the nightstand.

"Incendio," she muttered, her voice still rough from sleep. A small spark appeared at the end of her wand and then the fire in the fireplace flared to life.

Star got out of bed, wrapping her blanket around her shoulders like a makeshift cloak. She felt the cold air hit her skin, making her shiver.

She sat down on the floor in front of the fireplace, her body still shaking slightly.

As she sat there, feeling the warmth of the fire wash over her, she started to feel a little better. The warmth was slowly making its way into her bones, chasing the cold away.

She huddled the blanket closer, burying her face in the soft fabric.

Starlight was not happy. She had just started to feel warm and comfortable in front of the fireplace, and now she had to get dressed and go to classes.

She groaned, her annoyance clear on her face. She didn't want to leave the warmth of her dormitory, but she knew she couldn't skip classes.

She dragged herself out of the blanket, wishing she could stay in her pajamas all day.

Starlight got into the bathroom and brushed her teeth while also quickly brushing out her hair and leaving it like that. She did her skincare and then put on some mascara and lip liner with Vaseline on top.

If you haven't tried it I advise you to do it

Star got out of her bathroom and went to change.

She pulled on a pair of black tights, the extra layer of warmth welcome. Over the tights, she put on her favorite pair of blue jeans. Next, she grabbed a basic white shirt and pulled it on, smoothing it out over her stomach. She reached for a dark blue sweater, pulling it over her head. The sweater was soft and cozy, and it had a white star in the middle of the chest.



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