part 10

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Matteo had been walking near the corridor when he overheard Harry and Star's argument.

He hesitated at first, not wanting to intrude on their issue, but his concern for Star made him stop and listen.

He heard the hurtful words from Harry, the way he had yelled at her and tried to manipulate her.

Matteo's anger rose at the way Harry had treated her, the way he had used her insecurities against her.

As soon as Star stormed off and Matteo saw her retreat into her dorm room, he immediately went to find Harry.

Matteo, fueled by anger and the need to protect Star, marched up to Harry, who was still standing in the corridor looking guilty and angry.

Matteo jabbed a finger in his chest, his voice sharp and cold.

"Potter!" he exclaimed, spitting out the name like a curse. "What the hell was that about?"

Harry turned to Matteo, his jaw clenched and eyes blazing.

He was ready for another fight, ready to defend himself against whatever Matteo was about to say.

"What's it to you?" Harry retorted, challenging Matteo’s approach.  "It's a family matter."

Matteo bristled at Harry’s response, his anger reaching its limit. He stepped forward, his voice lowering to a dangerous timbre.

"When it comes to Star, it involves me," he growled.  "Also, I should remind you that you had my name in your mouth, so now it’s my business."

Harry’s eyes widened a bit in surprise at Matteo’s assertion.

He hadn’t expected anyone to stand up for her like this, least of all Matteo.

He tried to cover his surprise with a defensive scowl. 

"And what makes you think you have any say in this?" he shot back. "You’re just her partner in potions."

Matteo's anger and frustration reached its peak as Harry dismissed his connection to Star.

He stepped closer, his eyes fierce with determination.

"Yeah?" he retorted, his tone sharp.  "And I am her soulmate. Which means I care about her a damn lot more than you think."

Harry's expression hardened at Matteo's words.

He refused to accept that Matteo could care for her, that anyone but him could protect her.

"You don’t care about her," he spat back. "You’re just using this soulmate stuff as an excuse to get close to her."

Matteo's fists clenched at his sides.  He was practically shaking with anger at Harry's accusations.

How dare he suggest that he was using their soulmate connection for his selfish gains?

"You don’t know a damn thing," he said through gritted teeth. "I care about her more than anything, more than you ever will."

Harry continued to press him, determined to make Matteo question his motives.

"So you want me to believe that you seriously care about her," he said, his voice full of skepticism.

"That you're not just getting close to her because you want to manipulate her, or worse, destroy her?"

Matteo was taken aback by the accusation.
How could someone think he would ever want to harm her? Even the thought of it made him sick to the stomach.

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