part 9

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As the class began, Professor Slughorn announced to the class that they would be paired up to brew a specific potion.

His gaze landed on Star and Matteo, a mischievous glimmer in his eye.

"Ms. Star and Mr. Matteo," Slughorn said, a note of amusement in his voice. "You two will be partners for this task."

As Professor Slughorn announced their pairing, a mix of emotions passed over Star's face.

She didn't particularly adore being paired up with Matteo in class, as they tended to disagree often.

Matteo, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a small thrill of joy at the thought of working closely with her.

Matteo gave her his characteristic cheeky grin, enjoying her discomfort.

"Well, looks like we're stuck together," he said playfully.

Star shot him an annoyed glare, but it was half-hearted.

Deep down, she couldn't completely suppress her fondness for him, even when he irked her.

"Yeah, great," she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "As if working with you will make this any easier."

Matteo chuckled at her reply. He knew her well enough to see through her act.

He moved closer to their shared workspace, still sporting his lopsided grin.

As they began working on their potion, Matteo took every chance to playfully tease her. When she measured out an ingredient, he'd comment on her precision. When she stirred the cauldron, he'd criticize her technique. All the while, his grin never left his face.

"You're so precise," he remarked, watching her measure liquid. "Like a little potion master."

Star tried to swat him away, not quite successful in hiding her amusement. "Shut up."

Matteo continued his playful taunting as they worked.

He purposely spilled a tiny bit of powder, causing her to scold him.

He laughed at her bossy behavior, finding her attempt to be in charge adorable.

"You're such a bossy partner," he teased, pretending to flinch when she swatted at him again. "What would I do without you to keep me in line?"

She tried to hide her smile, annoyed at his taunts. "Finish the potion, that's what."

Matteo chuckled at her response. He loved winding her up and seeing her trying not to smile.

He mixed the next ingredient into the cauldron, watching her reaction closely.

"You know," he said, his tone serious despite his teasing demeanor, "You'd be fun to work with if you weren't so uptight."

She huffed indignantly, trying to keep a straight face. "And you'd be productive if you weren't such a mischievous brat."

Matteo feigned shock, dramatically pressing a hand against his chest. "Me, a mischievous brat? Never."

He winked playfully, enjoying her attempts to keep a stern face.

He added the next ingredient to the potion, stirring it with exaggerated care.

"I'm just trying to lighten the mood," he said. "You're far too serious sometimes."

Star rolled her eyes, but a hint of a smile played at the corners of her mouth. She couldn't deny that he was right. She did tend to be on the serious side.

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