part 8

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Star woke up early in the morning, the rising sun barely peeking through the curtains of her dormitory.

She took a quick shower, relishing the warm water as it washed away the remnants of sleep.

Once she was done, she rummaged through her wardrobe, carefully choosing her outfit for the day.

She picked out a saggy jumper and paired it with jeans.



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Once she was dressed, she gathered her homework, making sure to have all her books and notes in order.

After grabbing her things, she headed down to the common room where she found Harry, Ron, and Hermione waiting for her.

Upon seeing them, the smallest and the most tired smile you'd ever see spread on Star's face.

"Morning," she said.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione reciprocated the greeting, each with their own level of alertness.

Harry rubbed his eyes, still a bit drowsy, while Ron attempted to tame his unruly hair. Hermoine, on the other hand, already seemed fully awake and organized.

The four friends chatted as they headed towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

They discussed homework, upcoming classes, and any other recent happenings.

Harry and Ron were still mostly half-asleep, while Hermoine was fully alert and already discussing her latest ideas for the upcoming Divination essay.

When Star told her that she had already done hers, Hermione frowned.

She did not like being second.

Neither did Starlight.

As they reached the Great Hall, the smell of waffles and bacon filled the air, making their mouths water.

They sat down at the Gryffindor table and began filling their plates with breakfast food.

As they all started eating, Star's usual sassiness and sarcasm came to the foreground.

She cracked a joke at Harry's expense about something silly he had said the day before, causing Hermione to roll her eyes playfully.

Ron chuckled, and even Harry managed a smile, knowing he was a frequent target of her humor.

Star's sass was part of her charm, making her quick-witted and often providing a good laugh in their friendship group.

As the others continued their meals, enjoying the food on their plates, Matteo sat at the Slytherin table, observant as usual.

His gaze drifted towards Star, sitting with her friends a few tables away.

He noticed that she wasn't eating anything, just sitting there talking with her friends.

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