Part 21

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Star stood before her parents' grave, her eyes misty with emotion.

Her long, ginger hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail, and she was wearing a black, long-sleeved shirt with a boat neckline tucked into simple blue jeans.

Her face was solemn, her expression a mix of sadness and love as she looked at the headstone that bore her parents' names.

She knelt down, placing a bouquet of wildflowers on the grave.

Star sat down on the grass in front of her parents' grave, staring at the headstone.

The air was thick with sadness as she traced her fingers over her parents' names, memories of her dreams flooding her mind.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She had cried enough in the last few days, and she didn't want to waste a single moment of her remaining time with tears.

She recalled the conversation with Matteo, playing it over in her mind.

They had talked about their love, their dreams, and their fears.

Matteo had pleaded with her to understand, to find a way to run away with him, but they both knew it was impossible. The Death Eaters would never let her go.

"What are we going to do?" she whispered softly. "I don't want to him to feel the guilt of killing me."

She buried her face in her hands, the weight of their situation almost too much to bear.

She loved him, with every fiber of her being but she didn't want him to have to kill her. She didn't want him to live with the guilt and the pain.

Tears finally spilled over, and she felt a sob building in her chest.

Star let the sobs come, crying for the unfair hand they had been dealt, crying for the love they would never get to explore fully.

She cried for the future they could never have, for their dreams that would never come true. She cried until her chest hurt and her throat felt raw.

Finally, she composed herself, wiping away the tears with trembling hands.

She had to be strong.

Star traced her fingers over her father's name, "James Fleamont Potter," etched into the headstone.

She could almost imagine his face, the mischievous twinkle in his hazel eyes and the unruly black hair.

She could hear his laughter the way she imagined it to be, and it sent another pang of loss through her.

"I miss you, Dad," she whispered, her voice shaking. "So much."

Star stared at the headstone in confusion. Something seemed off about the engraving.

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