Confronting Chaos

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A/N: So the storyline is a bit different than the movies but I was trying to make it connect to my storyline since I thought Hermione crying wouldn't make sense with what I have written so far. Hope you understand and still like how the story is coming together. 

The adrenaline from their encounter with the troll still coursing through their veins, Y/N, Harry, Ron, and Hermione made their way back to a secluded corner of Hogwarts, away from prying eyes. They were met with a mix of relief and apprehension as they recounted the events to each other.

As they settled in, footsteps echoed down the stone corridor. In marched Professor McGonagall, her expression stern and disapproving, followed closely by Professor Snape, who wore a look of thinly veiled disdain. The atmosphere grew tense as all eyes turned towards the teachers.

McGonagall's gaze swept over the group, her lips pressed into a thin line. "What is the meaning of this?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the murmurs of the students.

Hermione stepped forward, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "Professors, we encountered a troll in the dungeons," she began, recounting the events of their daring encounter.

Snape's eyes narrowed as he listened, his skepticism evident. "A likely story," he sneered, his tone dripping with disdain.

Y/N felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as McGonagall's stern gaze settled on her and her friends. They had acted with good intentions, but they had also defied school rules and put themselves in unnecessary danger.

"Breaking curfew, wandering the corridors, and engaging a troll—these are all serious breaches of school rules," McGonagall continued, her voice unwavering. "We will be deducting house points and assigning detentions."

"But Professor," Hermione spoke up again, her voice earnest. "If it wasn't for us, who knows what could have happened? We stopped the troll before it could harm anyone."

McGonagall regarded Hermione with a mix of approval and frustration. "While it is true that you displayed bravery and quick thinking, that does not excuse your behavior," she replied firmly. "Rules are in place for a reason, and breaking them has consequences."

Y/N exchanged glances with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, feeling a sense of solidarity despite the trouble they were in. They had faced the troll together and come out stronger, but now they had to face the consequences together as well.

As McGonagall and Snape turned to leave, the corridor fell into a somber silence. The students watched in apprehension as their professors walked away, the weight of their actions settling heavily upon them.

"Well, that could have gone worse," Ron muttered under his breath, attempting to lighten the mood.

Harry nodded in agreement, though his expression remained serious. "At least we stopped it before anyone got hurt," he said quietly.

Y/N sighed, feeling a mix of relief and regret. They had made a daring move, and while they had succeeded in stopping the troll, the repercussions were undeniable.

Enemies to Lovers Draco Malfoy x Y/N Y/L/NWhere stories live. Discover now