The Snare of Fate

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A/N: Hi sorry I haven't posted in forever, I just haven't had much inspiration lately and have been busy but I am trying to add more parts and get ahead again with posting. 

As the trapdoor opened, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Y/N leapt through, narrowly escaping the thrashing Fluffy. They landed in a tangled mess on some mushy, black ropelike vines.

Y/N landed beside Ron, who was already caught in the Devil's Snare. "Ew, this place is gross," she muttered as she tried to extricate herself.

Ron, his face contorted in panic, yelled, "Help! Help me!"

Hermione, assessing the situation, called out, "Stop moving, all of you! This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax or it will kill you faster."

Ron's eyes widened with fear. "Kill us faster?! Oh, now I can relax!"

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to follow Hermione's advice. "Just relax," she said, forcing herself to calm down. She felt herself being pulled gently downwards through the snare.

"Hermione, I'm here!" Y/N called out as she landed beside her friend.

Hermione nodded and continued to work on the situation. "We need to help Ron and Harry."

Ron's struggles continued, his voice muffled. "Help! Help me!"

Harry, now also caught, called out, "Hermione, what's the plan?"

Hermione, her face set in concentration, recalled something from Herbology. "Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare, it's deadly fun... but will sulk in the sun!"

She quickly took out her wand and pointed it upwards. "Lumos Solem!"

A beam of bright sunlight shot from her wand, illuminating the dark space. The Devil's Snare recoiled from the light, its tendrils loosening their grip on Ron and Harry.

"Ahhh!" Ron fell down into the space below, landing with a thud.

"Ron, are you okay?" Harry called out, rushing to his side.

"Yeah," Ron said, rubbing his arms. "Whew! Lucky we didn't panic."

Y/N helped Ron to his feet, relief evident on her face. "Thanks for the help, Hermione."

"Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology," Harry added, giving Hermione a grateful look.

Suddenly, a faint rustling sound caught their attention—a sound like the flapping of wings.

"What is that?" Hermione asked, her voice tense.

"I don't know," Harry replied, straining to hear. "It sounds like wings."

Y/N looked around, her expression concerned. "We need to stay alert. There could be more dangers ahead."

As the group prepared to move forward, the mysterious winged sound grew louder, adding an ominous tone to their already perilous journey.

Enemies to Lovers Draco Malfoy x Y/N Y/L/NWhere stories live. Discover now