Clash in the Skies

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A/N: I loved writing this chapter, I know it's not in the movies but I felt like this would be more interesting to write about. 

The following afternoon, under the clear blue sky, Y/N stood on the Quidditch pitch with Harry, awaiting Draco Malfoy's arrival. Tension crackled in the air as they eyed Draco approaching with a broomstick slung over his shoulder.

"Well, look who decided to show up," Draco sneered as he reached them, his gray eyes glinting with arrogance.

Y/N crossed her arms, meeting Draco's gaze with a cool stare. "Don't act surprised, Malfoy. We're here, ready to beat you," she retorted, her voice steady despite the animosity between them.

Draco chuckled dismissively. "Is that so, Y/L/N? We'll see about that," he replied, his tone dripping with mockery.

Harry stepped forward, his expression determined. "Let's get started," he interjected, eager to begin the challenge and prove Gryffindor's skill.

The word had spread quickly among the students, and soon a small crowd had gathered around the pitch, watching with keen interest. They murmured among themselves, eyes flickering between the three competitors.

Madam Hooch appeared on the pitch, her whistle at the ready. "Listen carefully," she instructed, her sharp eyes scanning the trio. "The rules are simple: the first one to catch the Golden Snitch wins. No fouls, no tricks."

With a sharp blast of her whistle, Madam Hooch signaled the start of the race. Y/N and Harry mounted their brooms swiftly, soaring into the air with practiced ease. Draco followed suit, his movements fluid and confident.

The wind rushed past them as they circled the pitch, eyes scanning for the elusive Golden Snitch. Y/N's focus was unwavering, her determination driving her forward despite Draco's occasional taunts.

"You call that flying, Y/L/N?" Draco called out mockingly as he zoomed past her, his maneuvering smooth and calculated.

Y/N gritted her teeth, pushing herself harder to keep pace with Draco. "Save your breath, Malfoy. You'll need it," she shot back, her voice cutting through the air.

Harry, meanwhile, was gaining altitude, his seeker instincts guiding him as he searched for any sign of the Snitch. His mind blocked out Draco's jibes, focusing solely on the task at hand.

Minutes stretched into what felt like hours as they continued to weave through the sky, each determined to outmaneuver the others. The watching students gasped and cheered with each close maneuver, caught up in the intensity of the race unfolding before them.

Y/N spotted a glimmer of gold near the Gryffindor goalposts and dove sharply, narrowly missing the Snitch as it veered away.

Draco was hot on her trail, his laughter echoing behind her. "Nice try, Y/L/N! But not good enough," he taunted, his voice carrying on the wind.

Frustration surged through Y/N, but she refused to let it distract her. She pushed her broom to its limits, chasing after the elusive Snitch with renewed determination.

Suddenly, a flash of movement caught Harry's eye. He angled his broom sharply, speeding towards the Snitch as it darted near the Slytherin stands. With a swift, practiced motion, he closed his hand around the tiny, fluttering ball.

"I've got it!" Harry shouted triumphantly, his voice ringing out across the pitch.

Y/N and Draco both pulled up sharply, hovering in mid-air as they watched Harry descend towards the ground, the Golden Snitch held high in his hand.

Draco's face twisted in frustration, his jaw clenched as he glared at Harry and Y/N. "Beginner's luck," he muttered bitterly, though his words held a grudging respect for Gryffindor's victory.

Y/N grinned victoriously, her eyes meeting Harry's with shared satisfaction. They had proven themselves against Draco Malfoy, at least for now.

As they landed on the pitch, Madam Hooch approached with a nod of approval. "Well done, Potter," she praised, her tone conveying genuine admiration. "And well flown, Y/L/N. Slytherin may have lost this round, but you both showed excellent skill."

The watching students erupted into applause and cheers, impressed by the display of skill and rivalry they had witnessed. Y/N glanced at the crowd with a satisfied smirk, knowing that their rivalry with Draco was far from over.

Enemies to Lovers Draco Malfoy x Y/N Y/L/NWhere stories live. Discover now