Shattered Trust and Healing Heart

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The cool darkness of the early morning enveloped Y/N as she lay tangled in her bed, struggling to shake off the remnants of a nightmare. It was around 4 a.m., and the castle was still cloaked in silence. In her dream, Hermione's face had twisted with anger and betrayal, her voice echoing harshly as she condemned Y/N for her relationship with Draco. The dream had felt all too real, and as Y/N awoke with a start, her heart pounded with the lingering fear of Hermione's disapproval.

Y/N swung her legs over the side of her bed and sat there for a moment, collecting her thoughts. She brushed her hair quickly, splashed cold water on her face, and brushed her teeth. The chilling water helped clear her mind, but the fear still gnawed at her. She pulled on comfortable sweatpants and a crop top, feeling the soft fabric against her skin as she tried to calm her racing thoughts. The morning air was crisp, and as she made her way through the empty Slytherin common room, she hoped the quiet solitude would help her regain some composure.

The castle's corridors were dimly lit as Y/N headed toward the courtyard. The early morning stillness was a welcome reprieve from the chaos of her thoughts. Outside, the air was fresh, and the gentle breeze rustled the leaves, creating a soothing backdrop for her. She settled on a stone bench in the courtyard, her textbooks spread out before her. The soft chirping of birds and the warmth of the rising sun provided a comforting atmosphere as she began to catch up on her homework.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Y/N lost herself in her studies. The tranquil environment seemed to ease her worries, at least for a while. The courtyard, bathed in soft light, felt like a haven of peace amid the turmoil of her emotions.

After a few hours, Y/N returned to the Slytherin common room to change into her school uniform. She donned the green and silver robes, the familiar weight of the uniform adding a sense of normalcy. With a final glance around her empty dormitory, she left for the Great Hall, her mind still partially preoccupied with the morning's unsettling dream.

In the Great Hall, the Gryffindor table was abuzz with conversation. Y/N slid into an empty seat next to Hermione, Ron, and Harry. She helped herself to a plate of eggs and toast, trying to focus on the conversation at hand. Hermione was discussing their upcoming potion exam with a mix of enthusiasm and anxiety.

"Have you reviewed the ingredients for the Draught of Living Death?" Hermione asked, her eyes scanning her notes.

Ron looked up with a puzzled expression. "I thought we were supposed to study for the Wolfsbane Potion. We can't be studying for both!"

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Ron, we're supposed to review both. But don't worry; Hermione will help us out."

Y/N forced a smile, trying to keep her attention on the conversation. However, as Hermione finished her food, the memory of her nightmare resurfaced, and the anxiety she had been suppressing came bubbling up. She could no longer ignore the gnawing discomfort in her chest.

"Hermione," Y/N said quietly, her voice tinged with anxiety, "can we talk in private? It's important."

Hermione looked at her with concern, her brow furrowing. "Of course. Let's go to the bathroom near Moaning Myrtle's."

They left the Great Hall together, and Y/N's heart raced with each step. The bathroom, with its faded tiles and the presence of Moaning Myrtle's occasional sobs, seemed an appropriate place for the emotional conversation that was about to take place.

When they arrived, Y/N's composure began to crack. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she struggled to hold back the sobs. Hermione's expression softened with worry as she gently placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked, her voice soothing.

Y/N took a shaky breath, her emotions spilling out. "Hermione, I... I'm so sorry. I kissed Draco, and I'm afraid you'll hate me for it. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I know you might want to end our friendship, and that's okay if you do. I just needed you to know."

Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, and she pulled Y/N into a comforting hug. "Oh, Y/N, I'm not going to hate you. I might wish you had chosen someone else, but the heart wants what it wants. I understand that."

Y/N clung to Hermione, her tears soaking into her friend's robes. "But what about our friendship? I don't want to lose you."

Hermione held her tighter, whispering soothingly. "You're my friend, and that's not going to change over something like this. We'll get through this together. You don't have to face it alone."

As they continued to talk, Draco, who had been following them from afar, watched the scene unfold with a heavy heart. He heard Y/N's anguished declaration about their friendship and felt a deep pang of guilt. He knew he had unintentionally caused a rift between Y/N and Hermione, and it weighed heavily on him. Frustrated and upset with himself, Draco punched a nearby wall, causing a sharp pain to radiate through his hand. He ended up in the hospital wing, nursing a bruised and bandaged hand.

Back in the bathroom, Hermione's comforting words helped Y/N regain some composure. They eventually left the bathroom together and headed to their Potions class. As Y/N settled into her seat, she noticed Draco's absence and grew worried. She approached Professor Snape after class and asked about Draco's whereabouts.

Snape's cold tone only added to Y/N's anxiety. "Malfoy is in the hospital wing."

Y/N's heart sank, and she felt a wave of worry wash over her. The thoughts of what could have happened to Draco overwhelmed her, and she struggled to focus on her Potions exam. Once the class ended, she stayed behind to finish her exam, her mind racing with concern for Draco.

When she arrived at the hospital wing, she found Madam Pomfrey tending to the patients. Y/N approached her, her voice trembling. "Where is Draco Malfoy?"

Madam Pomfrey pointed to a curtained-off bed. Y/N hurried over and peeked inside. Draco's hand was wrapped in medical tape, and he looked particularly forlorn. The sight of him in such a state made Y/N's heart ache.

"Draco, what happened?" she asked softly, approaching him.

Draco's gaze was distant, and he refused to meet her eyes. When Y/N tried to get him to speak, he remained silent, even when she attempted to kiss him. Frustrated and heartbroken, Y/N finally gave up. "Fine, I don't know why I wasted my time anyway. I have class," she said, her voice strained as she turned away.

Draco's heart sank further as he heard her words. He knew he wasn't handling things right, but his own turmoil made it hard to reach out. Feeling even more conflicted, he watched as Y/N left, his frustration manifesting in his injured hand.

Y/N's next class was Astronomy. As she sat next to Hermione, she found some solace in their shared proximity. The lecture provided a welcome distraction from her thoughts, but her mind often wandered back to Draco and the situation at hand.

During the class, Hermione leaned in and whispered, "Are you okay? You seem preoccupied."

Y/N sighed, glancing at Hermione. "I just had a rough morning. Draco's in the hospital wing, and I'm worried about him."

Hermione's expression softened with understanding. "I'm sure he'll be okay. You're not alone in this. We'll figure things out together."

As the class continued, Y/N appreciated Hermione's support and the comfort of her presence. Despite the whirlwind of emotions she was experiencing, having Hermione by her side made the challenges seem a little more manageable.

The day was far from over, but with Hermione's reassurance and the strength of their friendship, Y/N felt a glimmer of hope. The road ahead would be challenging, but she knew she wouldn't have to face it alone.

Enemies to Lovers Draco Malfoy x Y/N Y/L/NWhere stories live. Discover now