Shadows of the Heart

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The cold morning air was filled with a mixture of anticipation and disappointment as students lined up outside the castle gates, each clutching their permission forms. Filch stood by the entrance, his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized every student who passed by.

Professor McGonagall stood beside him, her voice carrying over the noise. "Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again."

As Harry approached McGonagall, he had barely opened his mouth when she cut him off. "No permission form. No visiting the Village. That's the rule, Potter."

Harry's face fell. "Yes, Professor, but I thought if you said I could go—"

"But I don't say so," McGonagall replied firmly. "A parent or guardian must sign, and since I am neither, it would be inappropriate. I'm sorry, Potter. But that's my final word."

Ron and Hermione watched from a distance, their faces falling as they saw Harry's disappointed expression. Harry raised his hand in farewell, and with a resigned shake of his head, he watched them head toward the village. Y/N, standing next to Hermione and Ron, looked sympathetically at Harry but said nothing. She could feel the weight of her own secret pressing on her.

In Hogsmeade, Y/N, Hermione, and Ron wandered together, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling village. The streets were lined with colorful shop windows, and the crisp autumn air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked treats.

Hermione's eyes sparkled with excitement as she pointed out various places. "Look at that! Zonko's Joke Shop. I've heard they've got some new pranks. And over there, Honeydukes. We have to go there—I need some of their famous sweets."

Ron's face lit up at the mention of Honeydukes. "Yeah, and they've got the most amazing candies. I'm definitely getting some Sugar Quills. And maybe a few of those Flaming Whizbees—they're explosive!"

Y/N smiled, trying to push aside the nagging feeling of guilt about not telling Hermione and Ron about her recent troubles with Draco. She focused on the cheerful atmosphere of the village, though her mind was still troubled. She glanced occasionally at her friends, grateful for their company but feeling an odd discomfort at not being completely honest with them.

As they made their way to the Three Broomsticks, the warm, cozy interior was a welcome relief from the brisk air. Madam Rosmerta greeted them with a smile, and they soon found a table by the window with mugs of Butterbeer in hand.

Hermione was animatedly sharing her favorite parts of the village. "And the post office! It's incredible. They have all these owls organized by how fast you want your letter to arrive!"

Ron nodded, still savoring his Butterbeer. "Honeydukes was fantastic! I even saw some blood-flavored lollipops. Not for the faint-hearted, but definitely interesting."

Y/N tried to enjoy the moment, though she found it hard to shake the guilt she felt for not sharing what had happened with Draco. Her thoughts kept drifting back to their last encounter and the confusing kiss. She felt a pang of guilt at not confiding in her friends, especially since they were so open with her about their own experiences.

After they finished their drinks, they made their way back to the castle, their spirits lifted by the pleasant afternoon. The walk was filled with light-hearted chatter and laughter, though Y/N's mind was preoccupied with her unresolved feelings.

Later, in the Great Hall, the atmosphere was vibrant with the buzz of students discussing their Hogsmeade adventures. Soap bubbles of all shapes, sizes, and colors floated through the air, adding to the festive mood. A marionette of a Harlequin danced atop the Gryffindor table, its limbs moving in response to Neville's light beams. Seamus amused the table by passing his hand through the beams, causing the Harlequin to collapse with a comical flump.

Enemies to Lovers Draco Malfoy x Y/N Y/L/NWhere stories live. Discover now