Slugged and Insulted

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Harry, clad in his Quidditch gear, walked down the corridor with his team: Oliver Wood, Fred and George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Katie Bell. Oliver looked particularly determined.

"I spent the summer devising a whole new Quidditch program. We are going to train earlier, harder, and longer," Oliver declared, his voice brimming with excitement.

As they stepped into the courtyard, they saw the Slytherin Quidditch team, also in their gear, accompanied by Ron, Hermione, and Y/N, who were sitting nearby. Oliver's face darkened as he approached the Slytherin captain, Marcus Flint.

"Where do you think you're going, Flint?" Oliver demanded.

"Quidditch practice," Marcus replied, holding up a note.

Ron, Y/N, and Hermione got up and walked towards the two teams. Ron's face showed a mix of concern and suspicion. "Uh-oh. I smell trouble."

Oliver's eyes narrowed as he took the parchment and read it aloud. "I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker."

"You've got a new Seeker, who?" Oliver asked, looking up from the parchment.

Marcus stepped aside, revealing Draco Malfoy, who grinned smugly.

"Malfoy?" Harry said, astonished.

"That's right. And that's not all that's new this year," Draco said, showing off his Nimbus 2001 broom, along with the rest of the Slytherin team's brooms.

Ron's eyes widened. "Those are Nimbus 2001s. How did you get those?"

"A gift from Draco's father," Marcus answered, smirking.

"You see, Weasley," Draco taunted, "unlike some, my father can afford the best."

Hermione, standing beside Y/N, glared at Draco. "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in."

Y/N added, "They got in on pure talent."

Draco's face darkened. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudbloods."

Hermione's eyes flashed with hurt and anger, while Y/N clenched her fists but kept her composure. Draco's sneer was unmistakable.

Ron, incensed, pulled out his wand. "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy! Eat slugs!"

Ron's spell backfired, sending him flying backwards onto the ground. Harry, Hermione, and Y/N rushed to his side.

Hermione knelt beside Ron, her voice full of worry. "You okay, Ron?"

Y/N, her concern evident, added urgently, "Say something!"

Ron opened his mouth, but instead of words, slugs spilled out.

Colin Creevey, excitedly snapping pictures, asked, "Wow! Can you turn him around, Harry?"

"No, Colin! Get out of the way," Harry said, helping Ron to his feet. "Let's take him to Hagrid. He'll know what to do."

As Harry, Hermione, and Ron hurried off towards Hagrid's hut, Y/N glared at the Slytherin team.

"You're all a bunch of jerks," Y/N shouted, her voice echoing across the pitch. "And that Mudblood comment? Pathetic."

Y/N gave the Slytherins a defiant middle finger before turning on her heel and catching up with her friends. She joined Harry and Hermione as they helped Ron, who was still regurgitating slugs.

Hagrid greeted them at his hut with a bucket. "This calls for a specialist's equipment," he said, handing Ron the bucket. "Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid."

Ron continued to vomit slugs as Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, and Y/N sat with him.

"Who was Ron trying to curse, anyway?" Hagrid asked, peering at Harry.

"Malfoy," Harry answered. "He called Hermione and Y/N..."

Hermione, folding her arms and still upset, cut in, "He called me and Y/N Mudbloods."

Hagrid gasped, shocked. "He did not!"

Harry, bewildered, asked, "What's a Mudblood?"

Hermione turned to face him, her voice trembling slightly. "It means 'dirty blood.' Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who is muggle-born, someone with non-magic parents, someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation."

Hagrid's face hardened with anger. "See, Harry, some wizards, like the Malfoy family, think they're better than everyone else because they're what people call pure-blood."

Harry looked horrified. "That's horrible."

Ron, still coughing up slugs, added, "It's disgusting."

Hagrid placed a reassuring hand on Hermione's shoulder. "And it's codswallop to boot. Dirty blood... Why, there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half-blood or less. More to the point, they've yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can't do. Don't you think on it, Hermione. Don't you think on it for one minute."

Hermione's eyes glistened, but she managed a small smile as Y/N stood by her side, offering silent support.

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