The Approach of Christmas

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A/N: Yes this one is a bit different than the original but It's fine I kinda accepted not following the movie after I wrote the other chapter. 

December had arrived at Hogwarts, infusing the Great Hall with a festive glow as students eagerly anticipated the approaching holidays. Y/N sat with Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table, enchanted candles illuminating their surroundings with a warm, flickering light.

"So, what are your plans for Christmas?" Hermione asked, her voice tinged with excitement as she set aside a book on magical creatures and began organizing her belongings.

Y/N glanced at Hermione's packed bags and smiled. "Heading home already?" she asked, noticing Hermione's preparations.

Hermione nodded eagerly. "Yes, I'm catching the train to London tonight," she replied, a hint of eagerness in her voice. "I can't wait to see my parents and tell them all about Hogwarts."

Harry looked genuinely happy for her. "That sounds wonderful, Hermione," he said warmly.

Ron, leaning back on the bench, sighed. "I was planning to go home, but Mum and Dad are visiting Charlie in Romania," he explained with a shrug. "They couldn't make it back this year."

Hermione paused, sympathy crossing her face. "I'm sure they'll miss you," she said reassuringly.

Ron managed a small smile. "Yeah, maybe. At least Hogwarts won't be completely empty," he added, trying to sound upbeat.

As they settled into the Gryffindor table, the chatter around them buzzed with excitement as students from all houses discussed their plans for the holiday break. Some were looking forward to visits to Hogsmeade, while others spoke of family gatherings and magical traditions.

Amidst the cheerful chatter, Harry and Ron set up a wizard's chessboard, their competitive spirits igniting as they strategized their moves. Y/N watched with amusement as they plotted their game, occasionally offering advice and commentary.

"You've got to watch out for his knight, Harry," Y/N advised playfully, leaning over to peek at the chessboard.

Harry grinned, his focus sharpening as he contemplated his next move. "I've got it under control," he replied confidently, eyeing Ron's pieces thoughtfully.

Ron, meanwhile, studied the board with intense concentration. "Checkmate in three moves," he announced, a mischievous glint in his eye as he planned his victory.

Harry looked up in surprise, impressed by Ron's strategic thinking. "That's ambitious," he remarked, moving his bishop to counter Ron's advancing knight.

Y/N chuckled, enjoying the friendly rivalry unfolding before her. The atmosphere at the Gryffindor table was festive and inviting, filled with the warmth of friendship and the promise of holiday adventures.

After their game, Hermione finished packing her bags and stood up, a sense of anticipation evident in her every movement. "I should get going," she said with a smile. "Have a wonderful holiday, all of you."

"Thanks, Hermione," Harry replied sincerely.

"Yeah, have a great time," Ron added, waving as Hermione made her way out of the Great Hall.

Once Hermione had left, the atmosphere settled into a comfortable camaraderie among the remaining students. Harry, Ron, and Y/N exchanged glances, the excitement of the holiday break palpable in the air.

"I heard some older students talking about going to Hogsmeade," Harry mentioned, breaking the silence. "Too bad we're too young to go."

Ron shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, I heard it's crowded anyway," he remarked, trying to sound indifferent.

Y/N nodded in agreement, though a part of her was curious about the famed village. "Maybe next year," she said optimistically.

As they lingered in the Great Hall, the enchanted ceiling above mirroring a starry winter sky, the magic of Hogwarts enveloped them. Snowflakes began to fall gently outside the windows, casting a serene spell over the castle grounds.

They spent the rest of the evening enjoying the warmth of the Great Hall, sharing stories and laughter with their fellow Gryffindors. The anticipation of the holidays filled them with a sense of wonder and excitement, as they looked forward to the adventures and mysteries that awaited them in the new year.

Enemies to Lovers Draco Malfoy x Y/N Y/L/NWhere stories live. Discover now