Midnight Encounters and Consequences at Hogwarts

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As the four friends catch their breath in Hagrid's hut, still reeling from their encounter with the three-headed dog, Hagrid's expression darkens with concern. He listens intently to their account, his brow furrowing deeper as they describe how close they came to being caught.

"There's somethin' in the castle that dog's guardin'," Hagrid finally admits reluctantly. "But yeh mustn't go lookin' for it. It's dangerous, I tell yeh."

Just as Hagrid is about to say more, his attention is drawn to movement outside the window. He squints, then abruptly stands up and rushes to the door.

"Who's that?" Hagrid mutters, peering out into the night.

The four friends exchange puzzled glances, wondering who could be outside at this hour. Suddenly, Hagrid's eyes widen in realization.

"It's Malfoy!" Hagrid exclaims, his voice tinged with worry. Without another word, he hurries out of the hut, leaving Harry, Y/N, Ron, and Hermione exchanging concerned looks.

They hear hurried footsteps outside, and then Hagrid's voice calling out urgently. Moments later, Hagrid returns, his expression grim.

"He's gone to fetch Professor McGonagall," Hagrid informs them gravely. "We best be gettin' back to the castle."

With a heavy sense of apprehension, they follow Hagrid back to Hogwarts. They are met by Professor McGonagall, who is clearly displeased to find them out of bed and in the company of Hagrid at this late hour.

"I should've known you would be behind this, Hagrid," McGonagall says sternly, her voice betraying her concern. "Explain yourselves. What are you all doing out here in the middle of the night?"

The four friends exchange nervous glances, realizing they are in trouble. They recount their adventure in the forbidden corridor, their voices mingling as they try to explain the situation.

McGonagall listens intently, her expression growing increasingly serious. When they finish, she sighs heavily, her lips forming a thin line.

"Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to roam the school at night. Therefore, strict punishment is in order. In the meantime, best be off to bed. All of you."

Reluctantly, they nod and head to their respective houses, feeling the weight of McGonagall's disappointment and the consequences of their actions settling upon them.

Enemies to Lovers Draco Malfoy x Y/N Y/L/NWhere stories live. Discover now