Chapter 46

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That evening was spent sharing sweet kisses amongst them as Clarke, under the influence of her medicine, tried her best to stay awake and would sometimes tell Lexa things that seemed so surreal and out of pocket that they couldn't be accurate. Although Lexa was very much hoping they were.

At some point, she even talked about a couch with fingers.

It was very odd and disturbing, and Lexa was slightly concerned about her lover, but it was also endearing.

Everything Clarke did was endearing.

And Alexandria Evergreen was a goner. An absolute sucker for the blonde who was currently wrapped up in her arms with her head on Lexa's chest, snoring lightly.

She had been so stupid thinking pushing her away was the right option when instead, they could have spent all those weeks exactly like this. Because this was absolute bliss.

Fuck, she could have spent her free time helping Clarke heal, making her life easier, and just loving her. Instead, she had done the exact opposite. She had caused so much mayhem. So much hurt and damage. She did not deserve the blonde, yet here she was, being allowed to cradle her close. Because Clarke was the most wonderful and understanding person in existence and she clearly had the biggest heart too, because after Lexa had chipped away at it so often, it was still large enough for Lexa to live inside of.

At least she would have a lifetime to make it up to her favorite person and she would do so in every way.

That feeling of guilt easily and quickly works its way back up Alexandria's spine and she bites her lip trying to hold her tears at bay.

Would it ever go away?

Clarke stirs as the light snoring ceases, and a soft, sleepy mumble sounds, "Don't do that, Lex,"

"Do what?" Lexa asks in whispered confusion.


"I am not overthinking, I am just... Thinking," the brunette protests.

Clarke's hand comes up and it gently lands on her cheek, its warmth and softness immediately relieving some of Lexa's anxiety.

"I can practically hear you thinking. And your heartrate is through the roof. Stop it," Clarke sleepily demands as she rubs a thumb back and forth over Lexa's tan cheek.

Lexa lets out a sigh.


"And don't you dare apologize again," the blonde interrupts, predicting exactly what Lexa was about to do.

"But..." Lexa tries, but she's interrupted again.

"No. I am okay. We are okay. And I don't want to hear it. Besides, if you want to make it up to me, I am sure I can think of some ways..."

One eye flicks open and the blonde carries a tiny smirk on her face before she closes it again, nuzzles back into Alexandria's chest, and adds, "But for now, you holding me like this is enough."

The CEO squeezes her closer and buries her face in the blonde's hair, inhaling deeply.

Sea breeze with a hint of something fruity. Home.

"If I wasn't so tired, I'd make you sleep in my bed with me. Guess the couch will have to do. Please stay the night?" Clarke questions, her voice thick with exhaustion.

Quickly, Lexa nods her head, but when she realizes Clarke won't be able to see it, she mumbles, "I will."

It seems like Clarke is already asleep again, and finally her hours and hours in the gym are paying off. Because she stands up with her sleeping beauty in her arms, bridal style, and she easily carries her to the bed where she lays down with her and tucks the comforter around them both.

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