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Her name was Shivangi, the woman said, and I stopped in my tracks. Could it be possible that she is my Shivangi? The name echoed in my mind, bringing a flood of memories. I hurriedly turned towards the lady and asked her to confirm.

"What did you say? What's her name?"

She said Shivangi, and without another thought, I ran towards the ward where she was. What I saw when I got there tore me apart. There she was, lying lifelessly on the hospital bed. Her lower body was covered with blood, and although she was wearing something, blood was still dripping from her. Doctors were crowded around her, working frantically. Her body had marks, ugly bruises, and welts as if someone had hit her repeatedly. Dry tears stained her cheeks. Seeing her like this just broke my heart.

A nurse approached me and said,"Sir, please get out. We cannot allow anyone inside while we are checking the patient. Please go out."

I felt a lump in my throat as I asked the nurse what had happened to her. I could barely speak, my voice trembling. The nurse replied, "Sir, she was raped." My ears started ringing. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I looked at the nurse in disbelief and asked, "W-what did you say? I think I heard something wrong," I stammered, my world shattering around me. She repeated, "Sir, she was raped. Now please move out. We will update you after we check her." My body went numb.

I was unable to comprehend anything that was happening. Raped? How? Why? And the main question was, who did this to her? My mind went blank, unable to process the horror of the situation.

I stumbled out of the ward and saw the lady who had mentioned Shivangi's name earlier. She was holding a bottle, probably water, and she looked as shaken as I felt. I
went to her and asked, "How did you know her?" She was crying, but she managed to reply, "I am her neighbor."

"How did it happen?" I asked, desperate for some clarity.

"I don't know. I went to ask for some sugar, but I saw her lying there. Naked. There were marks all over her body, and she was in a very bad condition. So I brought her here," she said. I just stood there, silent, because I couldn't think of anything else to ask. What more could I ask her? I just thanked her, feeling a deep sense of helplessness. Oh God! Everything was so confusing and overwhelming.

I sat there for what felt like an eternity. After about half an hour, the doctor who was attending Shivangi came out. He looked serious and concerned. "Who brought her here?" he asked.

The lady said, "I did."

The doctor then asked, "Are you her family member?"

She said no. "Then please call her family member or her husband," he insisted.

The lady replied, "Sir, I tried to call her husband, but he wasn't answering. And I don't have any other contacts for her."

I got up and said, "I know her. I am her friend. Tell me what happened." The doctor looked skeptical. "Sir, how can we believe you?" he asked. He turned to the lady, "Ma'am, do you know him?" She shook her head, saying no. My frustration was growing.

"Doctor, I am telling you, I am her friend. I know her well. Her name is Shivangi. I even know her parents. I called them, and they are on their way," I said, trying to make him understand. The doctor nodded slightly."Alright, but when her parents arrive, please inform me. I need to speak with them."

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