Chapter 32 Banquet

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Zald/ Orcs: Roarrr!!!!!

*Battle sounds* "Schwig! Schwig! Schwig! Thud! Thud! Thud!"

Zald, Maxim, and Alexander encounter with a bunch of monsters at the borders again. Zald sicing the orcs into half size like butter while he walking forward steadily. Maxim dismembered a pack of hell hounds while he just make a one swing of his spear. Alexander pierced through swarm of bad bats with just one single shot. The knights include squad leaders were amazed how the three battled the monsters. 

Knight 1: Are they really level 1? 

Knight 2: I think they are stronger than squad leaders, perhaps par with high nobles.

Zald*listen to the words of the knights: ....

Nora: Good jobs! Maxim, have a word please.

Maxim nodded head and walk towards Nora. 

Zald: Hey!

Knight 2: Y-Yes? Ah you're amazing man! Are you really level 1?

Zald: Y-Yes. Anyone could have done it when they went to dungeon few times before. May I ask you something?

Knight 2: Sure! What is it?

Zald: Just now you said 'par with high nobles', what does that mean? Do high nobles stronger than squad leader that fight in frontline everyday? How do the high nobles gain experience?

Knight 2: Oh yes, well even if a commoner received Falna, being higher level than the nobles are also forbidden.

Zald: What?!

Knight 2: Not officially forbidden, but just an unspoken tradition of this country. Luckily Pedelian Family didn't weight much about this tradition, but we still get used to it to let the high nobles shine.

Zald: Do they fought bravely, because level up can't be fooled by fraud.

Knight 2: Although I didn't saw it before, but there is a rumor.

Zald: What rumor?

Knight 2*whispers: Some nobles will ordered commoner knights not to killed the monsters during hunting period and be human shield for the young noblemen to slay monsters safely. 

Zald*Breathes angrily: !!!

Alexander*tap Zald shoulder: Zald! 

Zald: ....

Alexander: Maxim calling.

Zald: *sigh, nice talk friend. Will see you soon.

Knight 2: R-Right, see you soon. 

*Both them walk towards Maxim

Maxim: We're already in the guarding squad for the banquet.

Zald: When is the banquet?

Maxim: Three days later.

Alexander: They really shut this information close till the very day.

Maxim: The quota suppose to be full, it's seem like the young master of Pedelian personally request us to go.

Zald: Hmm? Do he know us?

Maxim: Nora told me, he's been watching us fight in the border. He said is a waste to left us out from the guarding squad.

Nora: Maxim!

*The three look at the direction the voice from

The three: !!!

Nora: Let me introduce! This is Master Cassis Pedelian.

A fairy look young man with silver hair and golden eyes is standing beside Nora.

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