Chapter 19 Trial Part 1

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"Pang!" "Schwig!" A Minotaur sliced into half after it's rock axe get parry away. 

"Pam!" A Minotaur been smashed into the wall after received a kick.

"They kill these Minotaur so easily, damn I shall workout more on my close combat..." Alexander murmured. 

"Stop envying, incoming!" Sinclair levitating sharpen wood sticks and pierced through dozens of bad bat.

"Windbreaker!!!" A lighten arrows shoot from Alexander to pierced through a line of monsters. 

"Don't get addicted to the fight, cross through the passage now!" Zald command. 

The party of four run across a bridge and kill monsters chased after them at the same time.

"Roaarrr!!!!" A voice of monster from behind.

"That is...Wyvern!!" Alexander shouted.

Wyvern, a pink dragon type monster with almost 5m long if include it's tail, this monster has the highest defense due to it's skin among the 'Cave Labyrinth' monsters. 

"Woahh!! It's gonna destroy the bridge!" Alexander scream while he watch the monster raising it's tail and gonna smashed onto the floor.

"Pang!" The tail seems hit on something other than the floor. 

"Erh! Take this!" Zald kick the monster stomach after he use his sword to block it's tail. 

"Craccck!" Bones crack sound can heard from the monster.

"Paw!" the monster disappeared after the bones underneath it's skin has scattered.  

"Ha....ha....ha finally floor 16!" Sinclair said it with a quick breath. 

Currently the party has just enter floor 16, floor 16 is the most widest floor in 'Cave Labyrinth'. Adventurers bodies sometime couldn't be found in here, there are many tunnels mix cross each other and caves appear inside caves. 

"The main route to floor 17 is this way! We shall stick to the main route as we can, this floor has many 'Undiscovered area', generations of adventures haven't explore completely yet..." Alexander looking around the roads while holding the map. 

The party walking through the wide main route with Ihwa as a vanguard walking in front, Zald as defender stay on guard from behind, Alexander and Sinclair in the middle as range supporter. 

"This is weird..." Zald suddenly spoke out.

"What's weird?" Alexander asked.

"There are less monsters and no adventurers to be seen so far..." Zald explained. 

The monsters are too less, although they encounter some monster in this floor but the amount is way too less compare to floor 15. This shouldn't be right, floor 16 suppose to be the most dangerous floor in 'Cave Labyrinth' aside from floor 17.

There are also no adventures be seen in this floor so far, this is also unusual, floor 16 is consider a 'treasure floor', many rare monsters appeared in here and the percentage of dropping items are the highest in floor 16 compare to the floors above. 

"A favored floor for middle class Familia...but there is no one here..." Zald murmured. 

"...We should move faster, this similar disturbing feeling..." Alexander whispered.

After few crisis Alexander has been, he begin kind of sensitive to danger now. 

""Arhhhh!!!"" a bunch of screaming voice from nearby.

"Adventurers?" Ihwa whispered.

"Go and check out!" Zald shouted.

When they arrived they saw an adventure sitting on the floor holding pointing his dagger towards something. 

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