Chapter 25.1 Skill And Ability (Zald)

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"Paw!!!" A Minotaur teeth shattered out and pointed nose squeezed into mashed potato when it receive a punch.

"42, That's my limit huh..." Zald looking at his bleeding fist.

Currently Zald is wandering floor 16 alone, since executives of Zeus Familia has prohibited any members explored alone below Floor 18. Zald has killed 42 head of Minotaur and countless other type of mounters without using his sword so far.

"This won't be enough....I need stronger opponent to understand my skills." Zald murmured.

(Al Questa, a skill related to strength and endurance....but how does it actually relate?) Zald keep asking himself since Zeus tell him with a blur information about his skill.

(And this Niggle Gourmet....Zeus can't even explain himself.) Zald pov.

"Roaarrrr!!!!" A Minotaur suddenly appear from the wall.

"Paw!" The minotaur smashed away into the wall by a single backhand punch.

"I remember Goliath is gonna respawn in these period, perhaps.....they didn't say can't go to floor 17 anyway." Zald walking along the path towards Floor 17.

Entering Floor 17....

"Ahhhhh!!!!!" "Why it have to be us!!!" "Run!!!!" A screaming of both man and woman voices.

"Roaarrrr!!!!" A humanoid grey giant chasing after three adventures.

"Pang!!!" Something block when the giant developed it's fist.

(So this is Goliath....definitely beyond my power.) Zald smashed toward the wall while still standing and blocking the attack with his great sword.

"Keep running! I will hold it off!" Zald running towards the Goliath.

"Pang! Pang! Pang!" Blades and Fists collide each other.

"Wow...he can fight the giant all on himself." A long hair man said.

"Black armor....isn't that 'huntsman'?" A dark skin girl seems recognized who Zald is.

"He won't stand long!" A dwarf observing the battle while Zald seems be push back by Goliath.

"Hold still boy!" The long hair man drawing his katana and rushing towards the battle.

"Noir wait!!!" The dark skinned girl screamed.

"Bara! Shoot it's eyes!" The dwarf taking his great axe rushing towards the battle also.

"Pang!!!!Cricckkk....!" Zald blocking his sword from Goliath fist and trembling.

"Paw! Paw! Paw!...." Zald keep kick the giant's leg.

(No effect!) Zald Pov.

"Boom!" The giant fist hit on the ground when Zald make a turn to escape it.

"Schwig!" Zald sliced the back part of the Goliath leg skin.

(Too shallow!) Zald pov.

"Pang!" Zald block with his sword again when the giant turns back and punch towards him.

"Errghhh......Rahhhh!!!" Zald pushed back the giant's fist with all his strength.

"!!!" The Goliath with a slightly shock expression.

"Thud!" A arrow stab into the Goliath eye.

"Schwig!' Someone jump off from Zald Shoulder and sliced the surface of the giant chest.

"I told you run!" Zald shouted.

"Hmph! I'm not that weak to be saved by a brat!" Noir shouted.

"Dang!" Something hit on the giant leg and caused it to step back.

"It's skin is too hard!" the dwarf with an angry tone.

"Dain!" Noir shouted his companion name.

"Zhig!" Zald stabbed the Goliath another leg.

"Roarrr...." The Goliath kneel down with pain.

"Now Run!!!" Noir shouted.

"Next time you will run from us big guy!!!" Dain mocking the giant while escaping.

Back in Floor16....

"Huhuhuhuh....." The escape group breath rapidly.

"Thanks for just now 'Huntsman'." Bara said.

(....Amazoness?) Zald Pov.

"Nothing...Are you all ok?" Zald asked.

"Worried yourself." Noir said.

"Don't take it personally, this guy mouth can't spit good words." Dain explained.

"Why do you guys wondering in Floor 17?" Zald asked.

"We're hunting Minotaur." Bara shaking a package full of horns.

"Ah yes...I'm Bara, these two are Noir and Dain." Bara introducing herself.

(Sigyn Familia?) Zald pov.

"Zald" A simple reply by Zald.

"I thought that was you, are you really level 2?" Noir asked.

"....Yes" Zald lower down his head.

Currently Zeus Familia has postponed of announced Zald recent level up to the public due to avoid extra attention.

"Hahahaha!!! You got spirit!" Dain laughed.

"....Are you guys go back to the surface now?" Zald asked.

"Yes....!!!" Minotaurs suddenly appeared.

"If you guys give me a quarter of your collection I will guard you to surface." Zald said.

"Son of a!!!" Noir with an angry tone.

"Don't seems like we have a choice idiot!!!" Bara shouted drawing her sword toward the Minotaurs.

When they reached surface, because of Zald Noir's group get several times more of dropping items and magic stones compare to their original quantity....


Lv. 3

Strength: I13 Endurance: I18 Dexterity: I9 Agility: I5 Magic: I0

Magic: -

Skill: Al Questa - Possibility to raise strength development and tolerance, and endurance to exceed maximum limit when engaged battle. Highest record is 108% so far. Effects will further increase if add up with ability development.

Niggle Gourmet: ???

Hunter F     Abnormal Resistance F     Strong Body: I

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