47 - electric comfort 💗

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ship: denki kaminari + kyoka jirou.

The sun was setting over U.A. High School, casting a warm, golden glow over the campus. Kyoka Jirou trudged through the hallways of the dormitory, her limbs aching from an intense day of training. She had pushed herself hard, determined to improve her quirk and keep up with her classmates. Now, all she wanted was to relax and unwind.

Her mind drifted to Denki Kaminari, her boyfriend and a constant source of warmth and comfort in her life. As much as he could be a goofball, Denki had a way of making her feel safe and at ease. She reached his door and knocked softly, already feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

"Come in!" Denki's cheerful voice called from inside.

Jirou opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind her. Denki was sprawled out on his bed, his textbooks and notes scattered around him. He looked up and smiled brightly when he saw her.

"Hey, Jirou!" he greeted, his eyes lighting up. "Tough day?"

Jirou nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips despite her exhaustion. "Yeah, really tough. Mind if I crash here for a while?"

Denki sat up, immediately concerned. "Of course! Come here."

Jirou crossed the room and climbed onto the bed, leaning into Denki's open arms. He wrapped them around her, pulling her close and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. Jirou sighed, melting into his embrace.

"You look beat," Denki said softly, his fingers running through her hair. "How about we just relax and cuddle for a bit?"

"Sounds perfect," Jirou murmured, closing her eyes and resting her head against his chest. She could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a soothing sound that eased the tension in her body.

Denki shifted slightly, making sure she was comfortable before settling back against the pillows. He held her securely, his touch gentle and reassuring. "You know, Kyoka, you're amazing. The way you push yourself... it's really inspiring."

Jirou smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her at his words. "Thanks, Denks. But right now, I just want to be here with you."

"Well, you're in luck," he replied with a playful grin. "Because I'm not going anywhere."

They lay there in comfortable silence, the weight of the day slowly lifting from Jirou's shoulders. Denki's presence was like a balm, soothing her frayed nerves and filling her with a sense of peace. She loved how he could be both energetic and calming, how he always knew what she needed without her having to say a word.

After a while, Denki started humming a tune, his voice soft and melodic. Jirou smiled, recognizing the song immediately. It was one of her favorites, a piece she often played on her guitar. She let the music wash over her, feeling her eyelids grow heavy.

"You're so talented, Denki," she said quietly, her voice laced with admiration.

"Thanks," he replied, his tone warm. "But I'm nothing compared to you."

Jirou chuckled softly, too tired to argue. "We'll agree to disagree."

Denki's humming continued, and Jirou felt herself drifting off, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with her. Just before she fell asleep, she felt Denki's lips brush against her forehead again, a gentle promise of love and support.

"I love you, Kyoka," he whispered.

"I love you too, Denki," she mumbled, her words barely audible as sleep claimed her.

─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

When Jirou woke, the room was dark, the only light coming from the moon outside the window. She was still wrapped in Denki's arms, his steady breathing a comforting presence beside her. She shifted slightly, looking up at him. He was watching her, his eyes filled with tenderness.

"Hey," she said softly, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"Hey," he replied, a smile playing on his lips. "Feeling better?"

Jirou nodded, snuggling closer to him. "Much better. Thanks for letting me crash here."

"Anytime," Denki said, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "I love having you here."

They lay there for a while longer, enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment. Jirou felt a deep sense of contentment, a rare feeling that she cherished. She knew that no matter how tough things got, she had Denki by her side, always ready to support her and make her feel loved.

"You know," Denki said suddenly, breaking the silence, "we should do this more often. Just relax and be together."

Jirou smiled, her heart swelling with affection for him. "I'd like that."

Denki's grin widened. "Great! Because I've got a lot of movies we can watch, and I can teach you some new songs on the guitar."

Jirou laughed, the sound light and carefree. "I'd like that too."

As they lay there, wrapped up in each other's arms, Jirou felt a sense of peace that she hadn't known she needed. In Denki's embrace, she found not only comfort but also the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And she knew, without a doubt, that they would face them together, always supporting and loving each other.

Because sometimes, all it took to recharge was a little electric comfort.

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