70 - a recipe for love 💗

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ship: hitoshi shinso + eijiro kirishima.

Eijiro Kirishima paced back and forth in his dorm room, his phone clutched tightly in his hand. His thumb hovered over the message thread with Hitoshi Shinso, nerves making his usually steady hands tremble. It wasn't that Kirishima was scared of talking to Shinso—far from it. In fact, he looked forward to their conversations, enjoyed the banter, and even loved the quiet moments they shared. But tonight was different. Tonight, he was about to ask Shinso out on a proper date for the first time.

Taking a deep breath, Kirishima finally typed out a message.

pebble🪨: hey, shinso! i was wondering if you'd like to make dinner plans tonight?😊just the two of us

He stared at the message for a moment before hitting send. As soon as it was out there, he felt a rush of adrenaline. This was a step forward, a way to show Shinso how much he cared. They had grown close over the past few months, forming an unlikely bond between their contrasting personalities. Kirishima's fiery, straightforward nature paired unexpectedly well with Shinso's calm, introspective demeanour.

His phone buzzed almost immediately, and Kirishima's heart skipped a beat.

tired: Sounds good. Your dorm or mine?

Kirishima grinned, relief flooding through him.

pebble🪨: let's do my dorm. i'll cook! do you like spicy food?

The response was quick.

tired: I like a challenge. Bring it on.

Kirishima chuckled to himself. Of course, Shinso would never back down from a challenge, even when it came to something as simple as dinner. Determined to impress, Kirishima rushed to the kitchen, mentally running through the ingredients he had on hand. He decided on a spicy ramen dish, something hearty and warm, just like the feelings Shinso stirred in him.

An hour later, the table was set with two steaming bowls of ramen, garnished with sliced green onions, soft-boiled eggs, and a generous sprinkle of red chili flakes. Kirishima had put his all into making sure the meal was perfect, every detail carefully attended to. Now, all that was left was to wait for Shinso.

Right on time, there was a knock at the door. Kirishima hurried over, opening it to reveal Shinso standing there, a small, lopsided smile on his face. He was dressed casually, yet still looked effortlessly cool in his dark hoodie and jeans. His hair, a mess of indigo, fell into his eyes as he gave Kirishima a once-over.

"Smells good in here," Shinso commented, stepping inside. He took in the sight of the neatly set table, the candles flickering softly, and the effort Kirishima had clearly put into everything.

Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little sheepish. "Yeah, I wanted to make something special."

Shinso's eyes softened, and he gave Kirishima a genuine smile, the kind that was rare but always made Kirishima's heart skip a beat. "I appreciate it."

They sat down, and for a moment, there was a comfortable silence as they both took their first bites. Kirishima watched Shinso closely, waiting for his reaction. The moment the spice hit, Shinso's eyes widened slightly, but he didn't falter. Instead, he swallowed and nodded in approval.

"Spicy, but good," Shinso said, his voice holding a hint of amusement. "I should've known you'd make something that packs a punch."

Kirishima laughed, the sound bright and full of relief. "I guess I wanted to match your intensity."

Shinso quirked an eyebrow. "My intensity?"

"Yeah," Kirishima replied, his tone growing more serious as he set down his chopsticks. "You're... intense in a quiet way. You think a lot, and you don't say much, but when you do, it always matters. It's like... you see things in a way that I don't. And I really respect that about you."

Shinso blinked, momentarily taken aback by the sincerity in Kirishima's words. He was used to people making assumptions about him, but Kirishima always made an effort to understand him, to look beyond the surface.

"You're different too," Shinso admitted, his voice softer. "You're always so open, so willing to share everything, even the parts that are hard. It makes people feel like they can be real around you. I didn't think I needed that... but you showed me otherwise."

Kirishima felt a warmth spreading through his chest, his earlier nerves melting away. This was what he had hoped for—to have an honest conversation, to connect with Shinso on a deeper level.

"I'm really glad we're doing this," Kirishima said, his eyes locking with Shinso's. "Not just dinner, but... everything."

Shinso's lips curved into a small, genuine smile, one that reached his eyes. "Me too."

They continued eating, the conversation flowing easily between them. The more they talked, the more Kirishima felt like this was where he was meant to be—right here, with Shinso, sharing something simple yet meaningful. As the evening wore on, the ramen bowls were emptied, and the candles burned low, but neither of them was in a hurry to end the night.

When they finally moved to the couch, sitting close together with their shoulders touching, Shinso glanced at Kirishima, his gaze soft and contemplative.

"You know," Shinso began, his voice low, "this whole dinner thing... it feels like the start of something."

Kirishima's heart thudded in his chest, but he smiled, reaching over to take Shinso's hand in his. "I think it is too and I can't wait to do more of this with you."

Shinso squeezed his hand, leaning slightly into Kirishima's warmth. "Me too."

As the night drew to a close, the two of them sat in comfortable silence, knowing that whatever came next, they'd face it together. And as they planned for future dinners, future moments, and future challenges, both heroes knew that they had found something truly special—a recipe for love that would only get better with time.

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