78 - fate's course: an unlikely journey 🥂

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ship: hitoshi shinso + eijiro kirishima.

DISCLAIMER: this is set a little further into the future where they're in their 3rd year :)

The hustle and bustle of U.A. High School reached a crescendo as students from Classes 3A, 3B, and 3C eagerly gathered in the school's courtyard, awaiting the buses that would take them to the airport. The excitement was palpable; a school trip was rare, especially one that involved all three senior classes. Students chatted animatedly, anticipation shining in their eyes as they speculated about the trip's destination and activities.

Hitoshi Shinso, however, was far less enthusiastic. Leaning against a tree at the edge of the courtyard, he sipped his coffee, enjoying the rare moment of peace before the chaos of the trip. His indigo hair fell messily into his eyes as he scanned the crowd, spotting familiar faces but not really engaging with anyone. Shinso wasn't exactly the social type, preferring the company of silence over boisterous conversations. He had friends, sure, but none were particularly close. At least, not the way others were.

As he took another sip, his gaze lingered on a certain redhead in the crowd. Eijiro Kirishima. Shinso knew of him mainly through Kaminari, one of his few friends who often spoke of Kirishima's unwavering positivity and unyielding spirit. Shinso had always found it a bit too much—too loud, too bright—but he couldn't deny that Kirishima was popular for a reason. People were naturally drawn to his energy, his open-hearted approach to everything.

The thought was fleeting, and Shinso was content to let it pass, focusing instead on the warm liquid that soothed his nerves. But fate had other plans.

It happened in an instant. One moment, Shinso was enjoying his coffee, and the next, he felt the scalding heat of it spilling down his front. He barely had time to register the red blur that had collided with him before the cup slipped from his grasp, splattering the dark liquid all over his shirt.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" a familiar voice exclaimed, laced with genuine concern.

Shinso looked up to see Kirishima, his crimson eyes wide with panic, a hand already reaching out as if to help. "I didn't see you there—I was in such a hurry, and—oh man, your coffee..."

Shinso could feel the heat of the coffee seeping into his shirt, and with it, the heat rising in his cheeks—not from embarrassment but from irritation. His morning, already not great, had just taken a turn for the worse. His coffee, the only thing keeping him tethered to sanity before the long trip, was now a puddle on the ground, and his shirt was drenched.

"Yeah, I noticed," Shinso said dryly, brushing some of the wetness off his shirt, though it didn't do much good. He could feel the fabric sticking uncomfortably to his skin.

Kirishima winced, clearly aware of the damage he'd done. "Here, let me help—"

"I got it. You've done enough," Shinso interrupted, pulling back slightly from Kirishima's reach. The last thing he wanted was to make a scene. "It's fine. Just... watch where you're going next time."

Kirishima looked genuinely remorseful, but before he could say anything else, Shinso turned on his heel and headed toward the restrooms. He didn't have time to linger—if he wanted to catch the flight, he had to get cleaned up fast.

─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

By the time Shinso emerged from the restroom, his shirt was mostly dry, though the faint smell of coffee still clung to him. He'd missed the bus ride to the airport but had managed to catch a later one, just barely arriving in time for the flight. As he made his way through security, he couldn't help but silently curse his luck. Of all the people to bump into, it had to be Kirishima—someone who probably felt worse about the accident than he did.

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