77 - a taste of love 💗

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ship: ochaco uraraka + tsuyu asui.

Ochaco Uraraka hummed softly as she stood in the cosy kitchen of her apartment, the familiar scent of onions and garlic wafting through the air. She was preparing her family's signature dish, a comforting stew that always reminded her of home. The recipe had been passed down through generations, and tonight, she was eager to share it with someone special.

"Tsu, could you pass me the carrots?" Ochaco asked, glancing over her shoulder at her girlfriend, Tsuyu Asui, who was meticulously chopping vegetables at the counter.

"Sure thing, Ochaco-chan," Tsuyu replied in her usual calm tone, her wide eyes sparkling with affection. She handed the carrots over, her fingers brushing Ochaco's briefly, sending a little thrill up Ochaco's spine.

Ochaco smiled, her cheeks flushing slightly as she turned back to the pot. She loved these quiet moments with Tsuyu, where they could just be themselves, sharing little slices of life. Tonight felt especially meaningful, sharing a recipe that held so much of her family's love.

As Ochaco reached for the knife to slice the carrots, her hand slipped. The blade caught her finger, and she yelped in pain, dropping the knife with a clatter.

"Ow!" Ochaco exclaimed, instinctively bringing her hand to her mouth, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

In an instant, Tsuyu was at her side, her expression shifting from surprise to concern. "Ochaco-chan, are you okay?" she asked, gently taking Ochaco's hand in hers.

"I think it's just a little cut," Ochaco said, though her voice wavered slightly. The cut stung more than she had anticipated, and seeing the blood made her feel a little lightheaded.

Tsuyu's lips formed a small, comforting smile. "Let me take care of it, ribbit."

Carefully, Tsuyu guided Ochaco to the sink and ran cool water over the cut, her fingers tender as they cradled Ochaco's hand. The coolness of the water soothed the sting, but it was Tsuyu's gentle touch that truly made Ochaco feel better.

"Thank you, Tsuyu." Ochaco said softly, her heart swelling with affection as she watched Tsuyu work. Tsuyu's expression was focused as she gently patted the wound dry with a clean towel.

"No need to thank me, Ochaco-chan. I'm just glad it's not too serious," Tsuyu said, her voice as calm as ever, but there was a warmth in her eyes that made Ochaco's heart flutter.

Tsuyu grabbed a small first aid kit from the cupboard, pulling out a bandage and some antiseptic cream. She applied the cream with delicate precision, her movements slow and careful, as if Ochaco's hand was the most precious thing in the world.

Ochaco couldn't help but smile as she watched Tsuyu. Despite her calm exterior, there was a sweetness to Tsuyu's actions that made Ochaco feel loved and cherished.

"There you go," Tsuyu said, wrapping the bandage around Ochaco's finger and securing it in place. She brought Ochaco's hand to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to the bandaged finger. "All better, ribbit."

Ochaco's heart melted at the gesture. She wrapped her arms around Tsuyu in a tight hug, pressing her face into the crook of her girlfriend's neck. "You're the best, Tsuyu-chan," she whispered, feeling the warmth of Tsuyu's body against hers.

Tsuyu chuckled softly, her arms wrapping around Ochaco in return. "I'm just taking care of my favourite person," she said, her voice a soothing murmur that sent shivers down Ochaco's spine.

They stayed like that for a moment, just holding each other, the warmth of their embrace making everything else fade away. In Tsuyu's arms, Ochaco felt safe, loved, and completely at ease.

After a while, they pulled back slightly, still holding onto each other. "I think we can take a break from cooking for a little bit, ribbit," Tsuyu suggested, her smile warm and affectionate.

Ochaco giggled, nodding. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea." She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Tsuyu's lips, savouring the sweetness of the moment.

Tsuyu kissed her back, her lips soft and tender against Ochaco's. When they pulled away, both girls were smiling, their cheeks flushed with happiness.

"How about we finish cooking together?" Tsuyu suggested, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I'll take care of the chopping, and you can handle the stirring."

Ochaco nodded, her heart full as she looked at Tsuyu. "Sounds like a plan," she said, feeling a rush of warmth at the thought of continuing their tradition together.

As they returned to the kitchen, Ochaco couldn't help but think that sharing this recipe with Tsuyu made it even more special. Cooking together, taking care of each other—it all felt like a little taste of the future they were building together, one filled with love, laughter, and all the warmth of home.

And in that moment, Ochaco knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other, everything would turn out just fine.

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