74 - a midnight to remember 💗

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ship: hitoshi shinso + eijiro kirishima.

The common room of U.A. High's Class 1-A dorm was buzzing with excitement. Streamers hung from the ceiling, twinkling lights lined the walls, and a large banner reading "Happy New Year!" was draped over the fireplace. The room was filled with laughter, the sound of playful teasing, and the occasional burst of confetti as the students celebrated the final moments of the year.

Eijiro Kirishima stood off to the side, a soft smile on his lips as he watched his classmates. Mina and Kaminari were already in the middle of a dance-off, their energy infectious, while Jiro and Momo shared a knowing look, content to observe from the couch. Across the room, Uraraka was nervously adjusting her dress as Deku awkwardly tried to muster up the courage to ask her to dance. It was a scene of light-hearted camaraderie, one that filled Kirishima with warmth.

But despite the joy surrounding him, a small part of Kirishima couldn't help but feel a twinge of loneliness. Watching everyone paired off, preparing for the inevitable countdown to midnight and the kisses that would follow, he wondered if he'd ever experience that kind of closeness with someone special. The thought made him sigh, a wistful breath that he quickly masked with a louder, cheerier laugh as Kaminari stumbled over Mina's feet.

It had been a whirlwind of a year, with new faces and new challenges. Hitoshi Shinso was one of those new faces, transferred into Class 1-A after a successful revaluation. The transfer had been a surprise, but not nearly as surprising as how quickly Kirishima had taken to him. From the moment Shinso walked through the door, Kirishima had made it his mission to make him feel welcome. The other students were warm and friendly, but Kirishima had gone out of his way to include Shinso in everything, sensing a kindred spirit beneath the aloof exterior.

Over time, they had become close friends, their bond forged through shared training sessions and quiet conversations late at night when everyone else was asleep. Kirishima admired Shinso's strength, not just physically but mentally. It was hard not to notice how Shinso had fought to prove himself, and how he'd done it with a calm confidence that Kirishima found both admirable and intriguing.

But admiration wasn't all Kirishima felt. There was something deeper, something he wasn't quite sure how to name. He pushed those feelings aside most days, telling himself that friendship was enough, that it was all he needed. But on nights like tonight, as the clock ticked closer to midnight, it was harder to ignore the ache in his chest.

Kirishima's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Mr. Aizawa's voice. The homeroom teacher stood near the entrance, his usual stoic expression softened slightly by the festive atmosphere. But he was still as vigilant as ever, making sure that no one was getting into any trouble. He cast a stern glance toward Kaminari, who was attempting to sneak a bottle of beer (disguised as soda), his gaze clearly reminding everyone that no alcohol was allowed. And that any kisses exchanged at midnight better stay PG.

The students laughed, respecting their teacher's rules, but the air was still thick with anticipation. The countdown was minutes away, and couples were already beginning to gravitate toward each other. Kirishima tried not to stare as Jiro shyly took Momo's hand, or as Mina winked at Kaminari, both of them trying to play it cool.

He turned his attention to the clock, its hands inching closer to midnight, trying to steel himself for the moment. Maybe next year, he thought, trying to shake off the melancholy.

Suddenly, Kirishima felt a light touch at his hips, fingers brushing against him so unexpectedly that he nearly jumped. He spun around, his heart leaping into his throat, only to find himself face-to-face with Shinso.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Shinso said, his lips curling into a small, almost teasing smile. He looked more relaxed than usual, his violet eyes softened in the glow of the lights around them.

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