53 - cosy and warm 🥂

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ship: none (apart from slightly mentioned: kiribaku and kamijirou).

The chill of autumn settled over the U.A. dorms, bringing with it the promise of cosy nights and warm gatherings. Tonight, the Bakusquad, with Jirou as their honorary member, planned a perfect evening to celebrate the season. The common room had been transformed into a haven of comfort and warmth, the centrepiece being a roaring fireplace that cast a golden glow around the room.

Kirishima and Bakugo were the first to arrive, their relationship now an open secret among their friends. Kirishima had a bright red scarf wrapped around his neck, a perfect match to his equally vibrant hair, while Bakugo sported a pair of fuzzy socks with tiny explosions patterned on them—a gift from Kirishima that he begrudgingly loved.

"Come on, Blasty, help me set up the snacks," Kirishima said with a grin, holding up a bowl of popcorn.

Bakugo rolled his eyes but didn't protest. "Fine, but if anyone eats my spicy nachos, they're dead."

Kirishima chuckled. "Fair enough. But I think we made enough to share."

As they arranged the snacks on the coffee table—popcorn, nachos, candy, and a selection of autumn-themed treats—Mina bounded into the room accompanied by Sero who had a wide grin painted onto his face, her pink hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She wore a pair of pumpkin-themed fuzzy socks and carried a tray of hot chocolate mugs, whilst Sero carried 2 boxes of 'pampering care' which was specifically requested by Mina.

"Hey, lovebirds! I brought the cocoa! Jirou should be here soon with Kaminari," she announced, setting the tray down carefully as Sero put the boxes down in the corner of the common room hoping Mina would forget about them...

Bakugo muttered something about "damn extras" but took a mug anyway, secretly pleased by the warmth spreading through his hands.

Moments later, Jirou and Kaminari arrived, both looking cosy in their fuzzy socks—Jirou's had little music notes, and Kaminari's were bright yellow with mini pikachu scattered all over them. Jirou carried a stack of DVDs, while Kaminari held a bag of assorted candies.

"Alright, I've got the movies! We've got some spooky ones and a few autumn classics," Jirou said, her usual cool demeanour softening in the warm atmosphere.

Kaminari plopped down on the couch, grabbing a handful of popcorn. "Let's start with something spooky! Maybe 'Hocus Pocus' or 'Halloween'?"

Kirishima looked at Bakugo, who shrugged. "As long as it's not some dumb kid's movie, I don't give a shit."

Sero clapped his hands. "How about we compromise? 'Hocus Pocus' isn't too scary, and it's a classic!"

Everyone agreed, and Jirou popped the DVD into the player. They settled onto the large sectional couch, Kirishima pulling Bakugo close under a shared blanket. Mina snuggled between Kaminari and Jirou, the three of them sharing another blanket, whilst Sero sat with his legs crossed, holding a soft pillow as comfort for him.

The movie started, and the room was filled with laughter and the sound of crunching snacks. Bakugo, despite his initial grumbling, relaxed into Kirishima's embrace, feeling the warmth of his boyfriend and the fire. Kirishima occasionally whispered funny commentary, earning quiet chuckles from Bakugo.

As the film progressed, Kaminari made a dramatic yelp at a spooky scene, causing Mina to laugh and Jirou to roll her eyes playfully. She leaned against Kaminari, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, their friendship blossoming into something more over the past few weeks.

Midway through the movie, Kirishima noticed Bakugo's eyes starting to droop. He nudged him gently. "Hey, you falling asleep on me, Blasty?"

Bakugo huffed but didn't deny it. "Shut up, it's just warm in here."

Kirishima grinned, pressing a kiss to Bakugo's temple. "You can rest, you know? I'll keep you warm."

Bakugo mumbled something incoherent but snuggled closer, his tough exterior melting in the safety of their shared space.

The night wore on, the movie marathon continuing with more laughter, light teasing, and the comfortable presence of close friends. The second movie, "Halloween," played in the background as Kaminari and Jirou whispered quietly, their fingers intertwined under the blanket.

Mina, ever the social butterfly, took a moment to capture the scene with her phone—a candid shot of her friends, relaxed and happy, the firelight casting a warm glow over their faces. She smiled at the image, knowing these were the moments they would all cherish.

As the credits rolled on the second movie, Jirou stretched and yawned. "Alright, I think that's enough spooky for one night. Let's finish with something light."

Sero nodded. "I agree, how about a comedy or action movie to end the night?"

Kaminari, always eager to please, suggested, "What about 'Deadpool'? It's my favourite movie!"

They all agreed, and as the final movie started, the group settled back into their comfortable positions. The room was filled with contentment, the flickering fire reflecting the warmth in their hearts.

The Bakusquad and Jirou, wrapped in blankets and fuzzy socks, surrounded by snacks and each other's company, knew that these simple moments of togetherness were what truly made their friendships—and budding romances—so special. And as the fire crackled and the final movie played, they basked in the joy of the season, grateful for the bond they shared.

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