55 - movie night confessions 💗(🍋)

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ship: katsuki bakugo + eijiro kirishima.

The dormitory common room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the flickering screen of the TV where a romantic comedy played out. Katsuki Bakugo and Eijiro Kirishima were sprawled on the couch, a bowl of popcorn between them. It was their designated movie night, a tradition they had kept up since their first year at U.A. High.

Kirishima's eyes were glued to the screen, where the main couple shared a tender kiss. His heart ached with a mixture of longing and uncertainty. He sighed softly, wondering when he might experience something like that.

"What's up with you, Shitty Hair?" Bakugo's gruff voice cut through his thoughts.

Kirishima turned to look at him, trying to mask his emotions with a grin. "Just thinking, you know? About stuff."

Bakugo raised an eyebrow. "Stuff?"

Kirishima shrugged, feeling a bit awkward. "Yeah, like... when I'll get to experience something like that." He nodded toward the screen, where the couple was still locked in a passionate kiss.

Bakugo's eyes flickered to the screen, then back to Kirishima. For a moment, he was silent, his expression unreadable. Then, with a sudden, almost imperceptible shift, he leaned in closer. Kirishima didn't notice at first, lost in his own thoughts, but when he turned his head, he found Bakugo mere inches away, their faces so close he could feel Bakugo's breath on his skin.

His heart pounded in his chest as he stared into Bakugo's intense, crimson eyes. He could see the vulnerability there, the rare, unguarded moment that Bakugo allowed only around him.

"Kats?" Kirishima whispered, his voice barely audible.

Bakugo's gaze softened, and in a voice just as soft, he asked, "Can... I kiss you?"

Kirishima's breath caught in his throat. The room seemed to shrink around them, everything else fading into the background. He forced himself to breathe, to say something, anything. Finally, he managed a small, "Yes."

The word had barely left his lips when Bakugo closed the distance between them, pressing his lips to Kirishima's in a kiss that was both gentle and intense. It was as if all the pent-up emotions they had both been hiding finally found release.

Kirishima's eyes fluttered shut as he melted into the kiss, his hand reaching up to cup Bakugo's cheek. The world outside ceased to exist; there was only the warmth of Bakugo's lips, the faint taste of buttered popcorn, and the overwhelming feeling of rightness.

Bakugo's hands found their way to Kirishima's waist, pulling him closer. The kiss deepened, their movements growing more urgent as they lost themselves in the moment. When they finally broke apart, both were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other.

"Wow," Kirishima said softly, a wide smile spreading across his face. "That was... amazing."

Bakugo smirked, but there was a softness in his eyes that betrayed his true feelings. "Yeah, it was."

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, the movie forgotten. Eventually, Kirishima spoke again, his voice filled with affection. "You know, I've liked you for a long time, Katsuki. I just never knew how to tell you."

Bakugo chuckled, a sound that was surprisingly gentle. "Idiot. You didn't have to tell me. I've known for a while. And I've felt the same way."

Kirishima's heart soared at the admission. He leaned in for another kiss, this one slower, more tender, savouring the moment. When they finally pulled away, he rested his head on Bakugo's shoulder, content.

The movie continued to play in the background, but neither of them paid it any attention. They were too focused on each other, enjoying the newfound closeness and the promise of more moments like this to come.

As the credits rolled, Bakugo whispered, "So, movie nights just got a lot more interesting, huh?"

Kirishima laughed, his voice filled with happiness. "Yeah, they did. I can't wait for the next one."

Bakugo wrapped an arm around him, pulling him closer. "Me neither, Kiri. Me neither."

And with that, they settled back into the couch, ready to face whatever the future held, together.

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