73 - morning moments 💗

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ship: hitoshi shinso + eijiro kirishima.

The first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains of their shared apartment, casting a soft glow across the room. Eijiro Kirishima stirred, his arm instinctively reaching out for the warmth of his boyfriend, Hitoshi Shinso, beside him. But his hand met nothing but cool sheets.

Groggily, Kirishima opened his eyes, blinking in the morning light. The spot next to him was empty, but the blanket was still slightly warm, indicating that Shinso hadn't been up for long. Kirishima smiled to himself, feeling a rush of affection. Mornings like these were rare, with both of them usually exhausted from their hero work, so he decided to make the most of it.

Carefully sliding out of bed, Kirishima tiptoed towards the kitchen, intent on surprising Shinso with breakfast in bed. He imagined the way Shinso's eyes would light up when he presented him with a tray of his favourite breakfast foods. Maybe he'd even get a sleepy, half-smirk as a thank you—a small but precious reward from his usually stoic boyfriend.

But as Kirishima rounded the corner into the kitchen, he froze, his plan abruptly derailed.

There, standing at the counter, was Hitoshi Shinso, already dressed in his usual dark attire, his hair still a little messy from sleep. He was focused on the task at hand, methodically flipping pancakes in a skillet. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and a pot of tea was steeping nearby. On the table, there was already a plate of neatly arranged fruit, along with some scrambled eggs and toast.

Kirishima's heart swelled as he leaned against the doorframe, watching Shinso work. Shinso always had a way of surprising him. He wasn't one for grand gestures, but these small moments, the quiet acts of care, always meant the world to Kirishima.

After a moment, Shinso must have sensed he was being watched, because he turned his head slightly, catching sight of Kirishima out of the corner of his eye. A soft smile tugged at his lips. "Morning, Red," he greeted, his voice still a little husky from sleep.

"Morning," Kirishima replied, his voice warm. He pushed himself off the doorframe and walked over to Shinso, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind and resting his chin on Shinso's shoulder. "You beat me to it," he murmured.

Shinso chuckled softly. "You didn't really think you could surprise me, did you?"

Kirishima grinned, pressing a kiss to the side of Shinso's neck. "Guess not. But it's the thought that counts, right?"

"Sure," Shinso replied, turning his head to give Kirishima a quick kiss on the cheek. "But now you can help me with the pancakes."

Kirishima laughed, a deep, happy sound that resonated through the kitchen. "You got it!"

Together, they finished preparing breakfast, moving around the kitchen in an easy, comfortable rhythm that came from years of knowing each other's habits. Kirishima set the table, adding the final touches, while Shinso plated the pancakes. When everything was ready, they sat down together, the morning light spilling across the table.

As they ate, their conversation was light and filled with teasing banter. Kirishima couldn't help but notice the way Shinso's eyes softened whenever they met his own, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they shared.

After breakfast, they found themselves back in bed, the dishes left for later. Kirishima lay against Shinso's chest, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on Kirishima's arm. The world outside was slowly waking up, but in their little bubble, time seemed to slow.

"You know," Kirishima said quietly whilst looking up at Shinso, breaking the comfortable silence, "I was really looking forward to surprising you."

Shinso hummed in response, tilting his head down slightly to meet Kirishima's gaze. "You still did, in a way."

"How so?"

Shinso's lips curved into a small smile. "By being you."

Kirishima felt his heart skip a beat at the simplicity of the statement, the honesty in Shinso's words. He tightened his hold on Shinso, pressing a lingering kiss to the side of his neck.

"Thanks, Shinso," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

"For what?" Shinso asked, his eyes half-closed as he relaxed into the warmth of Kirishima's embrace.

"For this, for everything," Kirishima replied. "For every morning we get to spend together. It means a lot to me."

Shinso's eyes opened fully, meeting Kirishima's with a sincerity that made Kirishima's chest ache in the best way possible. "It means a lot to me too, Eiji."

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, the quiet hum of the city outside barely reaching them. Eventually, the world would call them back to their duties as heroes, but for now, they had this moment — just the two of them, together.

And that was enough.

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