Chapter 74

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Olivia's pov:

Im vibrating with excitement as I wait for the sailors to attach the plank that will allow us to disembark from the ship.

I have to pass through an empty shipping container and exit through a secret back door that will allow us to bypass security.

I suppose I can make do, if it means we won't be immediately arrested.

Jack takes lead here, and I'm quite pleased to see him operating efficiently and with authority.

I glance back over my shoulder, worried about Heathcliff and if the sailors will get him off without scaring him.

And all of our luggage, will it go to the right place? Maybe I need to -

"Stop micromanaging it, Olivia. Everything is in order. Now you either trust the system or you don't."
Kent says, coming up behind me.

"You sound like me."

"No. You stole that from me. Plagiarist."

I laugh a little, glancing over my shoulder again, but this time locking eyes with Janeen.

"Don't worry, we're coming!"
She shouts, giving me a wide grin, her arm linked with dad's. Dad also nods to me with a smile, letting me know that he's all right and excited.

So, I take a deep breath and move forward, hoping to hell this all works.


As with the start of my journey everything is impossibly smooth.

I sigh in relief as I climb into a luxury limo that's waiting for us outside the port.

"Oh, this is nice - I've worked in a couple of these before for some bachelor parties - sometimes they have a poll at the back!"
Janeen says.

I laugh as I step in after her, Kent's hands warmly in mine, surveying the plush limo.

"I guess it will do."

Kent laughs and urges me towards the back, saying a few words to the driver in Italian.

When we are ready, Kent comes to the back of the car and sits next to me, my dad and Janeen on the other side of me.

Jack and Jerome sit at the back, grinning with excitement.

Kent asks.

When we all nod, he whistles to the driver, who pulls away.

"When does it get pretty? Europe is supposed to be gorgeous."
Janeen says, disappointed.

"It already is pretty. Did you not smell that fresh air? See that clear sky?"
Kent says, looking confused and also annoyed.

"You mean the fresh air that smelled like diesel fuel and fish? Is that what I have to look forward to here?"

Kent clicks his tongue and turns away from Janeen, wrapping an arm around my shoulders while he waves a dismissive hand in her direction.

I laugh, leaning against him and turning eagerly towards the window.

And as we leave the port, and drive south along the coast...... I'm..... absolutely not disappointed.

"Wow. Kent, you weren't kidding, it's....... it's so incredibly beautiful here....."

"This is just the start."

I grin at him over my shoulder, so exited to learn about this place that I feel I could burst with it.

I snuggle against Kent, an excited smile on my lips.

"I'm so glad we broke you out of prison."

Kent just bursts into laughter, and I smile again, happy to hear him laugh at my side.

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