Chapter 5

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Kent's pov:

Olivia is laying on a bed in one of my guest rooms while the doctor examines her.

"She drank something laced with drugs, boss."

"That's what I suspected."

The doctor injects Olivia with something to help her wake up while I grab the dagger that's in my pocket.

I flick open the switchblade, studying it.
I hold it up to my eyes to read the writing on the handle of the dagger again.

"To my sharp-tongued Victoria, whose words cut as deep as this razor. Love always, Lorenzo."

She can't be who I think she is?

Putting the blade back in my pocket, I stand up to talk to the doctor.

"Doctor, take a sample of her blood. I want you to do a DNA test on her and compare the results with....."

Olivia's Pov:

My head....

I'm in a daze, half in consciousness, half out of it.

I open my eyes, frowning.

Where am I?

I shake my head, groaning.
I blink looking around the finely - furnished room.
I don't recognise this place.

I push myself up until I'm seated.

I'm still wearing the same outfit I wore to the club.

As I put weight on my hands, I feel pain in my finger.
I look down to see a band-aid on it.


All of a sudden, a blurry memory rushes back to me.
I remember someone drawing my blood while Sallow directs them to take it to a lab....

Panic seizes me.....

I must be somewhere on Sallow's property.

I need to get the fuck out! Now!

I look around for some kind of escape.
There are windows, but they look out on the tree tops - I'm certainly on the second floor or above.

Horrible images flood my mind.

What the hell does Sallow want with my blood?
Is he selling it or something?

Does he want the sample so that he can let his cronies on the black market know my blood type so they can better bid on my organs!?

No! I'm overthinking........ right?

My hands anxiously, fly to my hair, tangling in it.

The door swings open and  hold my breath.

Kent Sallow stands in the doorway, studying me as I stare at him.

I know what he sees - a feral, frightened creature, ready to spring.

My breaths come faster as he approaches, as he reaches in his pocket, bringing forward......

A blade!

"It's your knife, Olivia. I'm just returning your property."

I go still, glancing between his face and the knife in his hand, my mother's knife.

I leap forward to snatch it out of his palm, but he yanks it away, putting out his other hand to halt my movement.
His hand lands squarely on my chest and he gives a tiny shove, pushing me back onto the bed.

"Mr Sallow! What's your problem? That's mine!"

"Easy, Olivia. I'll give it back. I just want you to answer some questions first."

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